Chapter 15: Got a secret, can you keep it?

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"The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution."
- A. D.

[Skylar's POV]

Gold came back with Lack-Two instead of bringing the first-aid kit. He also wanted that both of them would carry him to his room, but Red insisted that he could walk. So he did walk , with Lack-Two and Gold on either side of him. After they brought him to his room, I shooed them out after taking the medical supplies from Lack-Two. He told me to call him if I needed any help. I made him sit down on the bed, and started to clean him up.

"Skylar, it's fine, I can do it myself." Red stopped my hand, as I started to wipe his face with a clean wet cloth. My hands were trembling, but I continued anyway.

"No, I'll do it, you need to rest." I insisted, pushing his hand away. "It's my fault why this happened anyway." Guilt was slowly killing me inside, and I was desperate to make it up to him.

"... It's not."

"Then explain how it's not."

"Genesis told me he told you to have fun. You danced with me and had fun." he said. "Therefore it's his fault, not yours."

"That doesn't make any sense." I said, squeezing the cloth over the bowl filled with water. Now his face is clean of blood- not quite. I placed my hand on his face, examining his forehead. Genesis was focused on targeting his face. There was a long cut on Red's forehead- and it need stitches. Holy Arceus. I don't know how to stitch up a wound, and I hate stitches.

"Red.... you need stitches..." I gulped. "Lack-Two will do that, since I don't know how."

"Is it that bad?"

"It's bad enough to need stitches." I told him, standing up. "I'll be back in a while."

I left his room and went to Lack-Two's room.

"He need stitches for his forehead. Do you know how?" I asked.

"Sure thing." Lack-Two nodded. "I'll just get a needle and thread."

"Thanks. Where's Gold?"

"In his room, I think. Second door on the right of Red's room."

I thanked him then left, going to Gold's room. I need to talk to him.

"Gold?" I knocked on his door. "Can I talk to you?"

"It's open." he said, and I went in. Gold was sitting down on his bed, looking at me.

"Hey," Gold said, patting down the space beside him. "You were awesome out there. How'd you do that?"

I sat down beside him, looking at the floor. "It wasn't a big deal, actually."

"What do you mean it wasn't a big deal! That was awesome! Let me guess, you trained with Chuck the past few months didn't you?" he asked. Chuck was Blue's trainer-a master of martial arts.

"Haha, no."

"So, what did you want to talk about? Or did you come back here so I can continue our date?"

"Your bestfriend almost got killed and you're seriously thinking about going on a date?!"

"I'm just joking, Skylar. Besides, I have something to ask."

"Ask away."

"When you beat up Genesis earlier and shot him in the shoulder.... you threw yourself in front of Red before that..." Gold said. "Why?"

"What do you mean 'why?'?!! Are you saying I should not have stepped in?!! Is that it?" I asked. What was his problem with that?!

He didn't reply. "Then what should I have done, then?" I asked again. "Gold?"

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