chapter two

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Hi there! Thank you for keeping up with the story, I really appreciate it. I'm writing this at midnight right now and I have to wake up really early tomorrow but I can't let my ideas go to waste as I sleep.

Second chapter here, wooh! Here's a little more of a deeper look into their characters so have fun reading it! Please remember to vote as it really helps alot!

Lastly, enjoy!


- Sophie's -

"I covered it up pretty well so if the dressing comes off in the middle of the night, just use the extra bandage I gave you and it should fit right back in." the nurse said with a sweet smile. Her dark skin contrasted with her pretty light eyes which I found adorable. "If you feel any discomfort after three days, come back here and we'll check on it."

I nodded at her with a smile on my face. She's been so nice and kind to me. Even when treating my cuts, she tried her best to make it as painless and quick as possible.

"Other than that, you should be done." she smiled. "I'll call in the gentleman that sent you in, alright sweetie?" she said before putting down her clipboard on the side on my chair and made her way out of the door. 

I took a look over at my bandaged elbow to see that I've scrapped quite a lot of it and had gotten some light scratches on my calves. I looked like I had a bad climbing incident. Looking over to the wall clock, it was already 2am in the morning. According to my plan, I was supposed to be on a train heading towards the city.

Then again, things don't always go as plan. My best friend had already warned me that my little 'running away' plan would fail halfway and I'd be back at home again pretty soon. Well, she's right.

Amber! Shit!

I had totally forgotten to text her to tell her of my location and to let her know that I'm alright. I quickly grabbed my purse which was on the table beside me and whipped out my phone to see three texts from her, asking if I'm alright.

I wanted to tell her what had happened to me so bad. She would literally freak. Amber was the type of girl that obsess over boybands or pretty boys. I knew she kept up with the news and was a pretty hardcore directioner. If not for her, I wouldn't have even known who was in the band. But as I was about to type, I remembered what Harry had said.

If I were to tell Amber, she might actually go on a fit and start tweeting about it non-stop so I decided it's better if I told her face to face next time. I quickly typed in a text when I heard the muffled voice of the nurse and Harry outside the door. 

'Got into a little problem but I'm fine now. Tell ya tmr!'


"--in here now. She's fine. There's no serious damage done and she should be able to straighten her elbows normally in a few days." the nurse said as the curly-haired boy popped his head into the room to check on me. I flashed him a smile before he returned one.

He disappeared behind the door again, reverting his attention to the nurse. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Oh and please try to keep this on the low, it'd be really nice." he said. He sounded much more calmer now and more friendlier now. 

"No problem, I've got my mouth zipped. I know things get out of hand sometimes." she replied understandingly. "She's ready now so you can go in to see her. I'll be over there if you need me." 

I threw my phone on top of my bag as I watched Harry make his way into the room. "How are you feeling? You alright?" he asked in his low, raspy voice. 

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