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No one's Pov:

"Jesse, you are really killing me." Groaned Jessica when she saw her brother glaring at Lukas again.

"Well I am your brother. So it's normal for me to act like this after finding out someone got you pregnant before marriage." Said Jesse with eyes never leaving Lukas who was trying to ignore the glare and gulping.

Right now, Jesse was with Jessica for a quick visit and on the moment he stepped on the house was the moment he glared at Lukas. He hasn't stopped glaring at him since he found out his sister was pregnant. Lukas right now lucky that Jessica was with him, otherwise he would have been dead by know.

"Ha! Says the guy who slept with his girlfriend before marriage!

"Please, like you were any different from me when I was dating those girls before Petra. You actually looked like you were ready to kill."

"That was different! I knew the girls were doing things behind you're back! Just like Maya before you caught her sleeping with that guy."

"Don't remind me. And besides, you almost send her to an early grave. That was no different from me when I found out Lukas got you pregnant."

"I did it because you refused to date after that! I was certain that you would have given up love and try to create a family from that point!"

"Just because I was heartbroken that didn't mean you had to send her to the hospital for a two month coma!"

From this point Lukas grabbed his wallet and left the house. Before he closed the door he said he was going to get some groceries when in reality he wanted to stay away from the twins just in case things go a bit out of control. Once he closed the door, Jessica huffed while Jesse snickered.

"It wasn't two months." She said, acting as if nothing happened.

"Was so, I even have the papers to prove it."

Jessica huffed again and looked away from Jesse in order at the wall to avoid her brother's mischievous look. Jesse mentally laughed at his sister. He pulled her closer for a somewhat tight sibling hug.

"Even if we do get into silly arguments like this little sister, I still love you."

Jessica smiled and hugged Jesse back. Even after all this, she couldn't get herself to be mad at her brother. Not even the slightest. Jessica then frowned and looked at Jesse.


Jesse looked at her.

"Have you told Petra....You know....."

Now it was Jesse's turn to frown and shook his head. Jessica sighed and looked at Lukas then back at him.

"Haven't told him either. We have to tell them at one point Jesse."

"One day we will tell them. I don't think I feel ready to tell them yet and I could easily tell that you aren't ready either."

Jessica bit her lower lip to which confirm what he said. They knew the secret was painful, but they had to tell them at one point. Jessica placed her hand on Jesse's right eye and sighed.

"We have to tell them at one point Jesse. Our hidden scars will one day be expose, and I'm certain that...Well..... It won't come out as we want it to be."

"I know. I know..... But for now lets keep it to ourselves Jessica. Until we are ready, the secret is ours to keep. Our childhood was ruined the moment we were born and we can't afford to ruin any other lives."

Jessica could only nod and place her hand on her current flat belly.

"I guess you're right....But will we do once my child is born? I can't....I can't..."

"Calm down Jessica. Lets not worry about that now. What we need to worry about is how much time do we have before.....Before history repeats itself again." Said Jesse as he looked at the window.

Somewhere else.....

Aiden grinned darkly as he waited for the phone to be picked up from the other side of the glass. It will definitely cost a fortune to get him out, but if it meant for him to get rid of Jesse, then nothing will matter.

"Soon my dear Petra...Soon. You made a mistake on being with Jesse, the so call hero....But don't you worry.... I won't kill him....Not yet anyways."

He heard the doors open and his grin grew bigger when the person in front of him sat in front of him on the other side of the glass and picked up the phone.


"Why hello there Gill.....It's been a long time, hasn't it old friend?"

A/N: Can you guess what dark secret the twins have? Or guess what Aiden plans to do to get Petra on his arms? I have my doubts, but go ahead and guess.

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