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No one's Pov:

Jesse and Petra ran straight to the police department. They slammed the door open, and there they saw Lukas, comforting a sobbing, naked Jessica who is wrapped on a blanket.

"Jessica!" Jesse ran to give her sister a tight hug.

Jessica wasted no time and hugged her big brother tightly as she sobbed on his chest. Petra ran toward Lukas and began questioning while Jesse continued to comfort her.

"Who did it Lukas!?"

"I don't know! The police left as soon as Jessica gave them the person's ID."

"Well once that bastard is found I will punch his head off before slicing it with a chainsaw!" Growled Jesse as he held Jessica close.

Soon, the doors opened. There were three people coming in. Two of them being police officers and the other was handcuffed, assuming that he was the one raper. He had black hair, a black beard with a mustache He was wearing a black leather jacket with brown pants and white shirt.

It was Gill, the former member of the Ocelots and the current member of the Blaze Rods.

Once Jessica saw him, she screamed and tried to hide her face on her brother's chest. On that moment, Jesse knew who was the one whom raped his sister. His body was boiling with anger and he turned to Gill. And he wasn't the only one.

"Gill you bastard! I'll kill you!" Yelled Lukas.

Lukas dived on Gill and began to pound him and being handcuffed, he was unable to defend himself. The police tried to separate Gill and an enraged Lukas. In the end, Jesse manage to separate Lukas.

"Lukas, Lukas! Stop. It's not right." Said Jesse.

"It certainly isn't." Groaned Gill in pain as he tried to get up.

"But Jesse-"

"No. You got to hit harder!" Said Jesse before he kicked Gill in his groin and beating him up himself.

After a few failed attempts, the police managed to separate Jesse and Gill before locking up Gill who was now unconscious and badly beaten. Jesse growled before turning to his sister who was hugging the life out of Petra. He went to her and gave her another tight, releasing Petra so that she could breath.

"You alright?" He asked.

He saw her tearing up before nodding very weakly. "I-I want to go home." She sobbed.

"Don't worry, i'll take you." said Lukas as he helped Jessica up. "Thanks Jesse."

"Don't worry about it. Take care of my sister Lukas."

"Promise." He replies before Lukas takes Jessica to his car.

"We should go too Jesse." Spoke Petra to her boyfriend who was still calming down.

Jesse looked at her, and nodded before he and Petra left the police department. Since they didn't live that far, they didn't bring a car, so they walked home. On the way home, Petra noticed that Jesse was in deep though.

"What's wrong Jesse?" She asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh uh... Just thinking...."

"About?" He sighs.

"About why would Gill rape my sister. It doesn't make any sense. What gave him the idea of doing so."

"Think about Jesse. Gill is a member of the Blaze rods."

Jesse looked at her confused. "Huh?"

"Think about it. He is a bad boy to many of a girls eyes, so every airhead girl would get the chance to sleep with him."

"I guess, but what does this have to do with giving Gill the idea of raping my sister?"

"He's a playboy Jesse. Not to mention that he had a crush on your sister before hand. So since she's together with Lukas, he must've grown this idea of him showing your sister that he was way better than Lukas." Jesse growled.

"Well I hope he rots in hell! If the police didn't stopped me, I would have sliced his skull open!"

"I know you would." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you care for your sister."

"Petra, she's my only living relative. She's the only one I have left of our family. I would do everything to protect her. Even my friends."

"Good to know. I think you deserve a nice treat." She winked at him.

Jesse raised and eyebrow before widening, know what she was talking about. He turned a bit pink and then smirked. They stayed quiet on the rest of the way home. 

A/N: None of you were expecting Gill huh?

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