nothing is as boring as you

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Zac and Taylor had discussed meeting at the local coffee shop that Taylor was a regular of. Taylor, the older of the two, sat at a small table within the shop, a spare chair positioned across from him. He stared down at his wristwatch, which was precisely two minutes behind. He watched the seconds hand tick.

The other male walked in, a red beanie pulled over his hair, strands of chocolate brown hair managing to peek out under the hat. He flashed a smile in Taylor's direction, waving as he approached the other male.

Zac extended his arm, soon shaking Taylor's hand. "It's nice to meet you," the younger male spoke. Taylor just nodded with an awkward smile. He didn't say a word.

"Wanna get something to drink or eat?" Taylor asked after a few seconds of awkward silence between them.

"Sounds good," Zac said with a goofy grin. They entered the line, no words being shared between them.

Until they sat down, drinks in hand, neither of them spoke a word to one another.

Taylor was the one to break the silence. "So, uh, just tell me everything I should know about you. How late you stay up, how early you wake up, stuff like that. I don't want to be living with someone who's completely different from me." Cue an awkward laugh from Taylor.

They went on and on about that boring stuff. But both of them could tell that they weren't bonding at all. The conversation wasn't going anywhere and they didn't even know if they liked each other yet. How were they supposed to know how they felt about the other if they didn't really know much about each other? Knowing a person's sleeping schedule isn't exactly considered bonding. They couldn't tell if they even enjoyed the presence of one another, the conversation was too dull.

"What's your favorite band?" Zac randomly asked in an attempt to remove the obvious tension between them.

"My favorite band? Oh god, uh, I'm not sure. I love mewithoutYou. I also love Radiohead, but who doesn't, you know? Tame Impala are pretty rad, too. I don't know, I like a lot of different music. I'm not picky."

Alright, they were finally getting somewhere with this conversation. Finally learning a little bit about each other.

"I love Radiohead, don't even get me started. The Beatles. Talking Heads. Tame Impala, too, like you said. I can listen to some heavy music too, I can work with that. Especially since I'm a drummer, I like playing things where I'm really active. I like to move around. Even though that can end up taking a huge toll after a few songs, I like it."

"Rad," Taylor commented with a wide grin. He felt an actual connection starting to form between him and his possible future roommate.

Both of them took small sips from their own cups of coffee, both of them smiling like the idiots they truly were.

"How old were you when you started playing drums?" Taylor asked.

"Technically, I started playing at the age of nine. But it wasn't until I was eleven that I started playing on an actual drum kit. My older brother plays guitar, I think that encouraged me to get into music. People always looked at me as the little brother who just followed in his footsteps. So that's why I didn't pick up a guitar and let him teach me his ways. I wanted to be different. I didn't want to be like him, I guess," he said with a soft chuckle, but behind it was an expression of sadness that he failed to hide. "Okay, sorry, I'm getting too deep. This is getting too sad. Uh, tell me all about you, now."

"Well, I got my first guitar when I was in first grade. My dad got it for me. A little Baby Taylor acoustic guitar. Obviously, this made first grade me very excited. My name's Taylor, I was the baby of the family, and I just got a Baby Taylor guitar. There were two Baby Taylors. Two. Like I said, I was very excited. My brother plays guitar too, so does my dad. Had to keep it going. Runs in the family. I always wanted to be like both of them. Now? Not so much, but I was little," he shrugged. Zac's stupid smile did not disappear for even a second.

"So, what made you decide your major?" Zac asked.

Taylor shrugged again. "I don't know, I just think it's something that can get me places in life. I've always wanted to work with music, that's always been definite. My dad works at a record label, he's taught me so much. In addition, getting an internship shouldn't be too hard with help from my dad. And then for my minor, well, being good at composing music is huge. It can make you plenty of money. I know that I could totally do all of this without a college education, but my parents said that if I go to college, they'll pay my tuition. If I don't, I'll be forced to either pay them rent or move out. I think it's obvious which I chose. I'll torture myself with more school. How did you decide?"

"I always wanted to do something in music, too. Honestly, I'm still not entirely sure on what I want to do with my life, but having this degree as a backup will help me, I know that for sure. Music business can help me get a job at a record label, maybe, and there are plenty of those in our area and in New York. I don't know, just felt like a safe route to go."

Taylor slowly nodded. "Maybe, if all goes well, I'll be able to land you a job with my dad's company." Another shrug came from him.

"Let's hope we don't hate each other by the time we're graduating," Taylor said, sending Zac a wink and taking a sip from his cup of coffee.

Maybe this wouldn't be too bad.

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