started out with a kiss

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Zac wished that he hadn't told Taylor of his sexuality because he noticed an immediate difference in behavior. Whenever Taylor would change, he would do his best to hide his body from Zac. He also seemed quieter than usual, not being as social with Zac as he normally would have been. It didn't take a genius to understand the reasoning behind his actions.

The Friday following the discovery of Zac's sexuality, Taylor didn't bother inviting Zac to his fraternity's party. He didn't even tell Zac where he was going until he was asked.

"Where are you going?" Zac asked, a slight frown on his face. Taylor paused.

"My frat is having a party tonight, uh..." he was contemplating whether or not to ask Zac if he would like to join him. He didn't want to be a dick and make it obvious that he was excluding him, but he needed some more time away from Zac.

"I'll see you later," Zac said with a sigh. He knew that Taylor felt uncomfortable around him. They had started to really form a solid bond and Zac had ruined it, or that was what he believed, at least.

Taylor walked to the frat house, which was not too far considering almost everything on campus was within walking distance from his dorm. He kept his hands in the pockets of his fleece jacket — which was not exactly providing enough warmth for the increasingly cold late October weather. This would only be the second frat party Taylor would attend, the first party he would be attending without Zac.

He didn't really know what to do. The only person he had really bonded with was Jon, but Taylor knew that the upperclassman most likely wouldn't want Taylor to be following him around all night like a puppy with separation anxiety.

The house was soon visible, the noise being heard from half a mile away. When he finally made it, he saw a familiar face standing in front of the house. He stared for a few seconds before he could remember the guy's name.

"You're Logan, right?" Taylor asked as he approached the other male. He flinched, his wide eyes focused on Taylor. Both of them were freshmen who had gone through the recent and painful process that was required in order to join the fraternity.

"Yeah," the fellow freshman responded, an accent present in his voice.

"Where are you from?" Taylor asked. Logan looked at Taylor with those same wide eyes that could be seen when he was initially approached.

"New Zealand," Logan replied. Taylor nodded his head.

"That's cool. Have you gone into the house?" Taylor asked. He received a quick head shake in response. Taylor looked at the house. "I don't really have anyone to talk to or hang out with tonight, think you and I could stick together?" Taylor asked, assuming that Logan was just as lonely as him, which was true. Logan smiled and nodded, still having only spoken three words to Taylor.

"Wait," Taylor said and raised his hand, removing his phone from his jacket. "Just give me your number. We can be friends now — and in case we lose each other in there."

Once they went through that awkward process, they headed into the house. Once again, someone was standing in front of the door, though it did not appear to be the same person as it had been the week prior.

The two fraternity brothers were allowed inside and Taylor was immediately handed a shot by someone he had never seen before in his life. He downed the drink without a care for what could have been in it. After the week he had been through, he didn't care if it killed him.

After a half hour filled with raunchy dancing and a few awkward boners, Taylor and his new friend went to the kitchen together. A large-chested woman sat on the center counter, allowing men to take body shots from her. Taylor joined the fun, licking a line of salt from the stranger's neck, downing the shot (which had been neatly balanced between the woman's breasts — he was impressed), and then taking the lime from her mouth. If he were sober, he wouldn't have even considered doing such a thing. But with the amount of alcohol that was already coursing through his veins, he didn't care.

For some peculiar reason, Taylor did this several more times. If he weren't so intoxicated and could remember it the next morning, he would shame himself for partaking in such a grotesque activity.

But he was already at the point of forgetting it all.

In his drunken state, Taylor made the mistake of giving several random girls his number and almost made the mistake of agreeing to joining a threesome — that would have involved another guy.

But in all honesty, Taylor was having the time of his life. Maybe he wouldn't remember any of the details by the next morning, but none of that mattered. In that moment, nothing mattered. He was subconsciously drowning his unnecessary sadness of having a gay roommate with dangerous amounts of alcohol and he loved every second of it.

With help from Logan, Taylor returned to his dorm and stumbled up to his room. Zac was wide awake, his lap holding his phone and a small bowl of mac-n-cheese.

When Taylor stumbled in, Zac said, "Hi," with a mouth filled with food. He swallowed. "How was your night?"

Taylor kicked off his shoes, rubbed his eyes, and ignored the question. He walked over to Zac, almost collapsing on top of him but placed both of his hands on Zac's shoulders to help with stability. He blinked a few times.

"Can I have some of that?" Taylor asked, his eyes focused on the unhealthy food that Zac was enjoying. Zac sighed but took a spoonful of the food and held it up. Taylor's mouth opened slowly and he leaned closer to take it into his mouth. He nodded once he swallowed the food.

"Thank you," he slurred.

The only logical explanation that Zac had for what happened next was that Taylor was really thankful.

He leaned down a little bit and pressed his lips against Zac's. The tastes of cheese and liquor mingled to create the most disgusting and unique flavor that Zac had ever experienced. He forced Taylor away, eyes wide.

"Go to bed," Zac demanded. Taylor burped, smiled, and nodded. He didn't bother to even take his clothes off, just collapsing into bed to leave Zac to wonder what the fuck had just happened.

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