let's make this night last forever

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That night, Taylor and Zac made their way to Times Square. Both of them wanted to hold hands, but neither of them were man enough to say something about what they wanted.

"Where do you want to eat?" Taylor asked as he walked alongside Zac, both of them scanning the hectic area.

"What?" Zac shouted and looked over at Taylor. He had been so distracted by the busy city that he hadn't heard Taylor's words. Also, it was rather loud.

With a laugh, Taylor repeated the question.

"Oh, uh, I don't care. Up to you, I guess," Zac said.

Taylor's eyes scanned the area once again, this time in search of anything good to eat.

"How about sushi?" Taylor suggested. Zac scoffed.

"They'll probably serve us fish straight from the sewer," Zac replied, causing Taylor to smile.

"You're so difficult," Taylor said with a grin.

"I have an idea. We should go to Shake Shack,"  Zac suggested with a nod.

"What's that?" Taylor asked with a raised brow, having never seen or heard of the chain restaurant before Zac had mentioned it.

Zac's mouth gaped open. "You've never heard of it?" he asked, receiving a shrug from his roommate.

"We're going, then. We can share a milkshake or something," Zac said, immediately pulling Taylor towards the crowded restaurant, which could likely be seen from a mile away with its large, glowing sign.

After half an hour of waiting, the couple placed their orders and, soon after, were finally seated directly next to one of the restaurant's large windows. As Taylor looked outside with amazement that mirrored that of a child, Zac asked, "Have you ever been to Times Square before?"

Taylor slowly shook his head. "Never. What about you?"

Zac nodded. "A few times. I lived in New Jersey when I was a little kid. Not very close to New York, though, so I came here maybe once or twice. Don't remember it too well, sadly. But maybe that's not so bad, after all. You and I can create new memories together," he said with a smile, slowly reaching over to take Taylor's hand into his own. Initially, Taylor flinched and pulled his hands away.

"I'm, um, I'm sorry. Just not used to that," he said with an awkward laugh and returned his hands to their original locations, allowing Zac to hold them as he had planned to do.

They continued their conversations until their food was prepared, and from there, their meal went smoothly. They shared a milkshake, scarfed down their food, and held hands for the majority of dinner. As great as the night was going, Taylor was still being weighed down by a question he was ready to ask.

"Ready to go?" Zac asked, now holding both of Taylor's hands in his own.

Taylor shook his head. He let out a heavy breath. Confused, Zac raised a brow, but did not say a word.

"I'm not leaving until you agree to be my boyfriend."

Zac's lips parted. He was speechless. Though he wanted this, he didn't expect it. He should have, considering they were on a date, but he still had not expected that to be brought up, at least not yet.

"You say it like I don't want that. Yes, I'll be your boyfriend," Zac replied. With no shame whatsoever, the two of them kissed, smiling throughout.

Their lips separated after a moment, something now weighing on Zac's mind that he felt the need to discuss.

"Are you gonna tell people in your frat? I mean, you don't have to, I guess..." he trailed off with a slight frown. Secretly, though, he wanted Taylor to be honest with his frat brothers and tell them all about the relationship.

Taylor shrugged and sighed. "I should tell Logan. It'll be weird if he walks in on us fucking or something," Taylor said, earning a laugh from the younger half of the couple.

"But other than that, I don't think I want to tell people. They'll just make fun of me," Taylor explained. Zac nodded slowly. He somewhat understood where Taylor was coming from, but he also so badly wanted to make their relationship public.

He let out a small sigh. "Fine, I'll...I'll call you daddy if you tell them," Zac said, having lowered his voice to prevent others from hearing them. Plus, he was not proud of the statement. He was already kinkshaming himself.

"I'll tell them," Taylor said with no hesitation whatsoever.

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