you know how to make a boy feel warm

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"So how do you feel?" Zac asked his roommate. Following the question, Taylor let out a small sigh.

"Well, I'm sore now. Tired, too. What about you?" he asked, having misunderstood the question.

Zac shook his head. "No, I don't mean physically. I mean how do you feel about the whole sexuality thing? Do you think you know? Or are you still confused and uncertain?"

"Oh, well, I don't know. I mean, I think as time has gone on in my life, I've liked girls less and less. I feel like I've always forced myself to, just because it's always been viewed as the norm, especially having grown up in Tennessee. When I was going to fuck Baylie, everything about it felt wrong. I don't know what I am, maybe I won't label myself at all. But what I do know is that I had a lot of fun with you tonight," Taylor explained with a smile. Zac reciprocated the expression, clinging to Taylor as he did so.

"Do you think you want to, I don't know, date?" Zac asked nervously. He immediately regretted asking the question.

Taylor let out a sigh. He had expected that to be brought up. He was unsure of what to say, considering he wasn't even sure of his sexuality just yet.

"I don't know yet. I'm tired and I need time to think about this," Taylor replied. Even though Zac just wanted to be with him already, he understood that Taylor would need time. It would be better to let him have the time he wanted than to pressure him into a relationship.

Taylor woke up first the following morning. He looked down at Zac and let out a sigh as he watched the boy sleep.

He pushed himself out of bed and immediately picked up his phone to call Logan, who he had been planning on living with during their sophomore year.

Logan picked up instantly. "Morning," Logan said in his charming Kiwi accent.

"Hey, I need to talk to you about our living situation next year. Is it okay if someone else lives with us too?" Taylor asked, doing his best not to wake his current roommate up.

"Sure. I don't care. I think we're supposed to have three or four people living together next year, us included, if we plan on living off-campus as we've discussed. It's better to live with someone that one of us knows than to live with a stranger. Who do you want to join us?"

"My roommate, Zac. He's a good guy. When I told him about my plans to live with you next year, he seemed really bummed. You can meet him if you want. I haven't exactly discussed this with him yet, but I assume he'll have no problem with living with us."

"Okay. Sounds good," Logan replied simply, not at all picky with who he was living with. If Taylor thought that Zac was a good roommate, then he must have been exactly that. "I'm okay with meeting him. Anything else you wanted to talk about?" Logan asked, hoping that the answer would be no.

"Nope, that's it. Bye," Taylor said, hanging up the phone after Logan had said a goodbye as well.

Zac slept right through the conversation. Taylor did not let him sleep for much longer, though. He climbed into Zac's bed and began pressing kisses to the younger boy's neck.

Confusion filled Zac's mind when he felt someone hovering above him and a pair of lips connected to his neck, but he experienced a wave of relief when he discovered that that person was just Taylor. He relaxed with a smile upon his lips. Once Taylor noticed that Zac had awoken, he sat up. Still, though, he was above Zac. Specifically, he was in Zac's lap.

"So, I just got off the phone with Logan," Taylor explained, grinning. "I asked him if he's okay with you living with us next year. He's fine with it. If you want to, that is..." he trailed off, hoping that Zac would give him a positive answer.

The younger male's eyes went wide. "Are you sure? Logan doesn't have a problem with me living with you and him?" he asked.

"Nope, he doesn't mind one bit. He'd rather live with someone that one of us knows than live with a total stranger."

"I'd love to live with you two next year," Zac said happily. They smiled at one another before Taylor worked up the courage to lean down and press his lips to Zac's. Still, though, Zac managed to slightly smile throughout the kiss, a stupid grin on his face once Taylor pulled away.

There was a silence that followed, although it was broken by Zac when he asked, "Wanna fuck again?"

Taylor chuckled in response to Zac's important question. He didn't expect that.

"I don't know, I'm pretty tired. I don't know about full on sex but how about some foreplay?" Taylor asked.

Zac squinted at the curly-haired boy. "But foreplay is for before sex. That's why the 'fore' part is in it. So are we fucking or not?"

Taylor rolled his eyes. "Why do you have to ruin the moment?" he asked rhetorically. "I just mean if we were to have sex, the stuff we'd do beforehand."

He didn't know why this was such a difficult concept for Zac to comprehend. After a few seconds, the younger male slowly nodded his head.

"Alright, do you want to go first?" Zac asked.

"As in me getting off first or me getting you off first?" Taylor asked.

"The first one," Zac said, somewhat annoyed with how complicated Taylor was managing to make this. The older of the two shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I don't want to be selfish," Taylor said with a frown. Zac sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair.

"Shut up. Just lie down and I'll suck your dick."

Well that was rather direct. With a grin, Taylor immediately relaxed in Zac's bed. It was a bit odd that they had never done anything in Taylor's bed, but that was insignificant. What was important, though, was Zac and Taylor's current activity.

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