loveless generation

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Zac sat in Hayley's apartment as an episode of Rugrats played on her television. They weren't paying much attention to the show, though. Instead, they were discussing Zac's evil plan that he hoped would somehow cause Taylor to fall in love with him.

"I can't believe she's actually doing it," Hayley said with a laugh and a shake of her head. She was referring to Baylie, who had agreed to hit on Taylor even though there was nothing in it for her. Well, nothing except one hundred dollars.

"I hope she actually does it," Zac said with a shrug.

"You know I hope that Taylor comes to his senses, but how is this going to help that happen?" Hayley asked her younger friend. Zac looked up at her and shrugged a second time.

"Maybe he'll just realize that he doesn't feel the same way about her. And trust me, she's a good looking girl. Not my type because she's not a dude, but definitely someone that a straight guy would want to get with. What I hope happens is that she will be all over him, but Taylor won't reciprocate any of those feelings. In turn, he'll discover that he actually likes men, which I hope includes me."

Hayley slowly nodded her head. Zac knew that the idea was far-fetched, but again, he had no other ideas and no other options.

"So how will you know if it goes as planned?" Hayley asked.

"Well, I'm hoping Baylie will text me and let me know what's going on," Zac explained. A few minutes later, the text that he had been waiting for came through.

Baylie: I see Taylor. I'm gonna approach him, he's drinking and hanging out with a few other guys. I'll let you know how it goes.

Zac anxiously waited for more information pertaining to how the night was going between Taylor and the girl that Zac had found through Craigslist. Considering he had paid her one hundred dollars, he really hoped that she would do as he had asked.

Another half hour went by without a word as to what was going on. Zac anxiously texted Baylie.

Zac: Please tell me you talked to him or something

And another half hour slowly ticked by. Finally, at exactly 12:01 AM, Zac's phone vibrated.

"Is it her?" Hayley asked unenthusiastically. Waiting around for the last hour hadn't been very entertaining. Zac nodded.

Baylie: Sorry, I didn't see your text. I just got out of the party. It went well.

Zac was instantly relieved. Baylie's answer had been so vague, but just knowing that the night went well was very reassuring.

Zac: So? What did he say? Did he turn you down and admit that he's gay?

Baylie: Well, it went well for me. Maybe not for you.

Zac's heart sank. His eyes went wide as he stared at the screen. He could feel his hands shaking.

Hayley wanted to know why Zac's reaction had changed so suddenly. She looked over his shoulder, her eyes going wide as well as soon as she read Baylie's response. Zac couldn't formulate a response, just stared at his phone.

Baylie: I promise I tried. I did exactly as you told me to do. I flirted with him, that's all you asked me to do. I even went the extra mile and asked him if he was gay, which was a little awkward. He looked surprised and then a little insulted. I'm really sorry it didn't work out.

Zac sighed as he read the message. Hayley frowned and rested her head on her best friend's shoulder.

Zac: Thanks for trying. How'd he react when you hit on him?

Baylie: He didn't hesitate to flirt right back. If it's an indication of how much he enjoyed my flirtation, he's walking me home right now.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," Zac mumbled to himself. He could not even respond to the text, he had nothing to say.

Zac set his phone down on Hayley's couch, grabbed one of her throw pillows, pressed his face into it, and screamed into said pillow. He angrily tossed it across the room. Hayley had no choice but to stand up and force him to sit back down. She feared he would go ahead and ruin her television, especially considering the pillow had flown by the TV, missing the device by mere inches.

"He's never gonna accept himself. He's probably just a stupid, homophobic hillbilly. He fucked me, Hayles. He won't just face it, he won't face the fact that he is at least bi."

Hayley let out a sigh. "Just because he flirted with that girl doesn't mean he doesn't like you in that way. Like you said, he could be bi. You know that bisexual guys like girls, right? I need to be honest with you, Z, I don't know how you thought this idea was going to work."

Zac rolled his eyes. He knew that his plan was not a very clever one, he didn't need Hayley to remind him of that.

"Give me a better idea then. Give me something better to do to make Taylor realize his sexuality," Zac said angrily.

Hayley sighed and shook her head. "I don't know, I really don't. I'm sorry. I don't think there's anything you can do. I think he might just be bisexual and even if he is into you, he might be in denial. Plus, that doesn't mean he doesn't like girls," she spoke softly.

Even though Zac was fuming, he had nothing to say. Hayley heard the door of her apartment opening so she slowly walked away from Zac. In walked her roommate, who also happened to be her girlfriend. The two walked closer to one another, their lips connecting for a quick kiss.

"Hey, Lindsey, I know I promised that you and I could spend some more time together tonight but Zac ended up staying longer than I had expected," she whispered, glancing back at her male friend.

"I can hear you!" he shouted from the couch, his arms crossed over his chest as if he was a toddler who was put in timeout for misbehaving.

Lindsey gave her girlfriend a smile and shook her head. "It's okay. I'm gonna go get changed," she said quietly and gave Hayley a kiss on the forehead.

Hayley took a seat beside Zac once again, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "It's gonna be okay. I hope he comes to his senses and realizes what he's missing out on."

Zac sighed. "I hope so too."

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