hurricane love

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Taylor's denial was so strong that he really believed he was straight. Anytime he would find himself feeling any attraction towards a fellow male, he would convince himself that he didn't really like them in that way, that would be just absurd.

He liked being hit on, so when Baylie had initially made a move on him, he wasn't against it. He loved being complimented, it didn't matter who the compliments were coming from.

Something felt different, though. He ended up asking Baylie on a date a few days after they had met. Almost every time they spoke, their conversations took a turn where they would somehow become sexual. Taylor had a very strong feeling that their date would result in some rough sex.

Since they were freshmen in college, and therefore were below the age required to legally drink or attend most clubs, their options should have been limited. Luckily for them, Baylie knew of someone who was able to make fake IDs.

"Have you ever been to a club?" Baylie asked Taylor as the two stood in line on that cold Friday night, waiting to enter the club. They stood next to each other awkwardly, holding hands and rarely looking at one another. They both felt that the hand holding was awkward and unnecessary but neither of them spoke up about that.

"Nope, never. What about you?" Taylor asked. The conversation was clearly not going anywhere. Once they had a few drinks in their system, though, it would be a very different story.

"Nope," Baylie responded. Taylor nodded his head. It was difficult to even focus on the girl when he was so worried about being caught with a fake ID.

When Taylor and Baylie approached the bouncer and handed over their fake IDs, they didn't have any issues. Taylor's blatant nervousness made the illegal activity more obvious. Fortunately, the bouncer couldn't turn someone away for being awkward, so he just gestured for the two of them to head into the club. They immediately did so.

They found a booth and wasted no time in sitting down, making out, and feeling each other up. Taylor stopped abruptly.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks, do you have any preference?" Taylor shouted over the loud music.

"Get us shots!" Baylie requested with a smile.

Taylor returned to their table a few minutes later with four shots, two in each hand. He wasn't an expert when it came to alcohol. Aside from beer, he didn't drink much. If they had something other than beer at the fraternity parties that he would attend, then he would have some of that. But otherwise, he would stick to the boring stuff.

"What did you get?" Baylie asked.

"Straight vodka shots," Taylor informed her. Maybe that wouldn't have been the first beverage she would pick when it came to shots, but beggars can't be choosers.

They clinked their small glasses together before downing the alcohol at the same time. Taylor squinted as he felt the burn of the vodka slipping down his throat. He coughed afterwards, shaking his head a little bit. Baylie, on the other hand, appeared to be completely unaffected by the alcohol.

"Let's do another one!" Baylie shouted excitedly. Taylor shrugged his shoulders and agreed to do so, considering he had purchased four shots for the two of them.

So they both took a second shot, and then ordered more for themselves. They each took a third, and eventually they had both downed four shots of vodka each and were making out in the booth of the club in which they had illegally entered.

"I want you to fuck me," Baylie ended up whispering against Taylor's lips.

Considering how loud it was in the club, Taylor had to yell, "What?" Baylie repeated herself, basically screaming into Taylor's ear. His eyes widened as soon as he heard those words. Even though that had been what Taylor was anticipating, it came as a shock to hear it aloud.

"Let's get out of here," Taylor yelled to her over the music. They quickly left the club and immediately ordered an Uber to bring them back to campus.

"Where should we go?" Taylor asked. "My roommate is back at my dorm. He's gay so I don't think he would enjoy watching us fuck," he explained with a laugh. Baylie laughed awkwardly, considering she knew exactly who Taylor's roommate was.

"My roommate is at some guy's apartment tonight. We can have fun all night if you want," Baylie said with a smile.

"Sounds perfect," Taylor whispered with a smirk and pressed a kiss to her lips.

They found the car that would be driving them, which brought them back to Baylie's dorm building. They wasted no time at all in getting naked — except for their underwear, or, in Baylie's case, except for her bra and underwear — and making out in her twin-sized bed.

The night was going by too quickly. It was all a drunken blur. First, Baylie was just feeling him up through his boxers, then she was giving him a handjob, and then she was going down on him.

Eventually, Baylie's completely nude body was underneath Taylor's. The couple were making out, continuing to feel each other up.

Baylie whispered, "Fuck me," and nibbled on Taylor's ear. The gesture alone was hot, but Taylor began to feel anxious. He cleared his throat, rested on his knees, and prepared himself to do exactly as Baylie had requested. But just as he was about to push into her, he crawled out of Baylie's bed.

"What are you doing?" she asked, sitting up in her bed.

Taylor turned his back away from her as he removed the condom from around his dick and clothed himself. When he turned around, Baylie could see that his eyes appeared to be tearing up.

"What's your problem?" she asked bitterly.

"I can't do this. I'm sorry. You're a beautiful girl, really. I just can't do this."

Baylie tried to stop him, but before she could, Taylor was out the door.

In the most dramatic way possible, Taylor just ran. He ran in the direction that he hoped would lead him to his dorm building. It took him much longer to make it to his dorm room than he had anticipated, but he finally showed up at half past 12. He was a panting, sweating mess at that point. Once he returned to his room, he needed to take a moment to catch his breath before speaking.

Zac stared at him the entire time with wide eyes.

Although his face was flushed, Taylor spoke once he had caught his breath for the most part.

"Zac, I know I was stupid. But I was about to fuck a girl tonight and realized that I just can't do it. Listen, I think I need you to fuck me just to be sure."

That was an odd request. What did he expect that to prove? "Well, I knew I was gay before I ever had sex. So if you're really gay, you should probably know it already. Are you sure you're not bisexual or anything?"

Hayley had definitely knocked some sense into Zac when she brought up the fact that Taylor could have just been a raging bisexual. He didn't know why he hadn't considered that beforehand.

Taylor shrugged. "I don't know, man. Maybe I like both, maybe I only like guys, or maybe I'm overthinking it and only like girls."

Zac let out a sigh over how idiotic the idea was. He didn't want to waste his time, but he also really wanted Taylor. "Alright, just let me fuck you and then you'll see from there I guess."

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