little decoy

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Taylor was so worn out that he fell asleep almost immediately after Zac left the room. Zac showered, since he felt disgusting following the sex between him and Taylor. It wouldn't have been quite as bad if Taylor had worn a condom, but it was too late for that, obviously. Plus, as far as Zac knew, there were no condoms available at the time. Although, for all he knew, Taylor had a pile of unused condoms just waiting for him.

Taylor had fallen asleep in Zac's bed, because he was too tired to even stand up and walk to his own. Just Zac's thin blanket covered Taylor's bottom half, since he was also too tired to put any clothes on. When Zac returned to their shared dorm room and discovered where Taylor had chosen to fall asleep, he smiled and walked over to him. He stared for a moment before walking away to get dressed into his pajamas.

Once Zac was clothed, he joined Taylor on the bed and curled up next to him, resting his head on Taylor's chest. The younger male listened to his roommate's steady heartbeat until they were both fast asleep.

The following morning, Taylor was the first to wake up. He was slightly confused to find Zac's resting body beside his own and to discover that, obviously, he had not slept in his own bed.

Taylor remembered the previous night, though. He remembered every last detail vividly. Surprisingly, he didn't regret it. Well, he didn't regret all of it.

The curly-haired brunet made an effort to get out of bed, gradually pushing Zac's body off of his own. It took him five minutes just to get out of the bed. Luckily, Zac slept right through it.

When Taylor pushed himself to his feet, he spotted something by the door. He strolled over and leaned closer, lifting up a note that had been pushed beneath the door.

You were really loud last night. Do whatever you want with whoever you want, but try your best not to disturb others. These walls are very thin. Please quiet down next time. And remember, stay safe. Sincerely, your RA, Jeremy.

In addition to the note, a condom could be found stapled to the paper.

"Well that's stupid," Taylor mumbled to himself as he ran his thumb along the metal staple, which had obviously put a hole in the condom, therefore rendering it useless. Idiot. Taylor wondered how that stoner had even made it into college, it was evident that he wasn't very bright.

Taylor heard some noise coming from the bed in which he had slept in. When he looked over, he saw Zac slowly pushing himself out of his messy bed. The younger male winced once he sat up on the bed. He was very sore, but he didn't regret it.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor asked, slowly walking over to his roommate and sitting down next to him. Zac shrugged.

"Not so bad. Hurts a little bit but it was worth it. Really just a lot of soreness. I haven't done that in a really long time. Not with another person, I mean," he informed Taylor, who nodded in response. Then there was a brief interval of time where no words were shared between them.

Taylor felt inclined to say, "I'm not gay." This didn't surprise Zac.

"That's okay, I've been with bi guys before. Not a big deal."

Taylor quickly shook his head. "No, no. You don't get it. I don't like men."

Zac stared at him for a few seconds before letting out a laugh. "You literally fucked me in the ass last night and let me go down on you, T. I think you like men. Nothing is wrong with that. Also, that doesn't mean you can't like girls. Like I said, you could be bisexual."

Taylor pushed himself off of the bed and to his feet, staring at Zac as he stood feet away, arms crossed over his own chest in an angry manner.

"That doesn't mean anything. It's not like you fucked me. Girls have butts and mouths, I didn't do anything to you that I wouldn't be able to do to a girl."

"You saw my dick," Zac argued, still amused by Taylor's ignorance and denial of the obvious. Taylor shook his head.

"No — well, I did, but that doesn't mean anything. I'm straight," he replied, acting as though all straight men stare at their friends' dicks and willingly fuck their male friends just for a good time. Just bros banging bros.

The smile that had appeared on Zac's lips during his amused laughter faded, his lips parted slightly as he stared up at his older roommate. "So you're saying that you used me to get laid? You led me on, you asshole. You made me believe that you actually wanted me."

Taylor sighed and ran a hand through his messy, curly hair. He shrugged his broad shoulders. "I was drunk," he stated in an attempt to defend himself, even though he was barely intoxicated during the encounter. He was clearly in denial. Even though he had admitted his feelings to himself the previous night, he now told himself that those feelings had changed. He was just drunk, he wasn't thinking pun intended. He didn't mean the things he thought or said.

"You used me," Zac repeated and pushed himself to his feet. He was fuming at that point.

"You should just go," Taylor said, as if this wasn't a dorm that they both lived in.

Zac scoffed. "I live here too, dumbass. So no, I won't go. Why don't you go?"

Okay, Zac had a solid point. The roommates stared at one another for a few seconds, until Taylor stormed out of the room without another word. He slammed the door behind him to ensure that everyone on the floor knew that something was going on.

Considering how thin the walls were, their neighbors likely knew all about their little hookup.

Yeah, this would definitely be a very fun year.

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