never fallen faster

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On the Friday following the scarring experience — which left Taylor unable to even look at milk for months — there was a party being held at Taylor's frat house. Somehow, he had been able to convince Zac to come along with him.

"This is stupid," Zac complained as they walked towards the frat house. The cool, mid-October breeze sent chills up and down Taylor's exposed, muscular arms. Maybe he should have listened to Zac and brought a jacket.

"It's not stupid. Maybe you'll even find a hot chick that'll hook up with you," Taylor said with a wink. Yeah, because that was totally what Zac was looking for. Not like he wanted to get with his roommate or anything.

As a large house came into view, Zac pointed to it and said, "I'm guessing that is it."

Taylor nodded. Maybe it was the booming music that gave it away. Or maybe it was the people passed out outside the house. Or maybe it was the giant Greek letters. Either way, it was very obvious.

Even though Taylor wanted Zac to feel like this was going to be a great time, Taylor found himself to be more nervous than his roommate. What if he did something wrong? He didn't respond to alcohol too well.

A large man stood at the door of the frat house, his muscular arms crossed over his chest. Taylor assumed that this stranger was some sort of security guard. So that must have been where the money from his registration fee went, to bulky security guards that they didn't need.

Taylor ignored the massive man's presence and tried to enter the house. He was stopped.

"Name?" The intimidating man asked, his voice shockingly deep.

"Taylor, uh, Taylor York. I'm in the fraternity, I'm a new member."

The guy stared at him for a minute with squinted eyes and then mumbled, "Go ahead in. What about you?" He asked Zac, who remained wide-eyed and speechless.

"He's my friend. My plus one, if you will," Taylor explained. The frats on campus had a strict rule; if a guy wanted to attend one of their parties but was not in the frat, then too bad, no coming. The only way they would be allowed in would be if one of the frat brothers invited them.

The security guard rolled his eyes and gestured for the two boys to go in. Taylor squinted as soon as he entered the house, smoke from cigarettes, weed and probably a few other substances clouding up his vision.

He turned around to face Zac. "Just stay close to me," he shouted over the loud music. He made it appear as though he would be protecting Zac, as if Zac would get lost if he were left alone for even a minute. In reality, Taylor was a little scared. Okay, very scared, actually. He hadn't gone to many high school parties. This was for several reasons, but mostly because he was never cool enough to be invited.

Another reason was that he had no self-control when it came to alcohol. Once he had just one drink, he couldn't not help himself to drinking another, and another, and another.

The only frat brother who Taylor really knew, Jon, approached him from behind and gave his back a slap. Taylor instantly turned around but calmed down when he saw Jon's face.

"Nice to see you," Taylor yelled over the blasting music that was playing throughout the place.

"Nice to see you too. Is that your friend?" He asked, pointing to the awkward brunet who stood a few feet behind Taylor.

"Yeah," he shouted.

"Would you guys want to come play beer pong? I'm playing with my buddy Aaron and we need people to go against. Interested?"

They were still shouting over the playing music.

Taylor nodded and gestured for his roommate to join him, bringing an arm around Zac's shoulder as they were led through the house. They were eventually brought down to the basement. It was so much quieter.

There weren't many people down there besides the four boys who were planning on playing beer pong. There were a couple of guys who were talking in one area, a girl who was crying to her friends in a separate area, and Taylor was sure that he saw a guy getting a handjob in another area.

College was fucking weird.

Taylor had high hopes and really thought he and Zac were going to win. That was not the case, unfortunately. Taylor was, by far, the worst competitor out of the four players.

Zac did great, it was Taylor who didn't do so well during the competition. Well, Zac didn't do great, maybe that's an exaggeration. But considering he had been successful in throwing the ping pong balls into the cups of beer a total of two times and Taylor had done so precisely zero times, Zac seemed pretty great in Taylor's eyes.

Plus, Jon and Aaron were older than them, therefore they were much more experienced in the art of beer pong. It wasn't even a close competition.

"Come on, let's get you home," Zac said to his roommate once the game was over. Taylor was the one who had (voluntarily) drank most of the alcohol, there being a total of eight beers in his body. The other male had only consumed two drinks. Taylor was stumbling, his body needing support from Zac.

"I feel sick," Taylor complained. Zac just laughed at him and gave him a pat on the back.

"We'll be back in our dorm soon. I'll get us an Uber," Zac said to his drunk roommate as they left the party and walked towards the busy street.

Fifteen minutes later, both of them sat in the backseat of a stranger's car. Taylor's head rested on Zac's shoulder, his open mouth drooling onto Zac's white shirt.

Every few minutes, a small groan or something similar would leave Taylor's lips. Zac just held him close, his fingers running through his roommate's dark curls.

As if he had any doubts prior, Zac was certain of one thing; he was falling for Taylor.

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