Four- Erica

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Erica's POV

"MICHAEL!" I screamed. I didn't care who stared or who judged me for doing so. I really wasn't expecting him to be here, since he said he wouldn't get to see me until after the show.

Michael turned and as soon as he saw me, I ran into his arms. And it felt so good. I can't even remember the last time I got to hug him. After our dramatic hug, I jumped down.

"Hey Erica," Michael said so casually. I just smiled at him. Soon enough, Kaitlyn, Patrick, Brendan, and my dad saw him and began greeting him.

But then another thing brought up my adrenaline. I saw her. My mom. I think I missed her even a little more than Michael. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug just like the one I gave to Michael. It was so unreal how happy I was at this moment. I didn't think I would feel so happy until Michael performed, so now I was even MORE excited to see him perform tonight.

We had to say bye to Michael and my mom and take our seats, but it was okay because I got to meet Molly next! I've only heard great things about her, so I wasn't too nervous.

"Hi, I'm Molly, you two must be Kaitlyn and Erica?" the girl we sat down next to said. We both nodded and introduced ourselves.

We had quite a lot of time to chit chat, as we had to wait about an hour more until the show began. Kaitlyn and I took this time as an opportunity to get to know Molly.

We learned that Molly is 11, she will be starting middle school this year, and is Jay's biggest fan and supporter. She was really genuine and nice and I was so glad we got to talk to her. She even told us about how proud she is of Jay, which I could relate to a lot, only with Michael, of course.

Molly and I hit it off right away. We planned to hang out after the show at the hotel and sometime in the near future while we're both in Los Angeles. It was so cool for both of us, since this week, Jay and Michael were in the same group and were performing "See You Again," together. I love that song, and I know they're going to absolutely kill it.

The show started, and the opening was amazing. The boys sang, "Earned It," by the Weeknd and I thought everyone performed really well. It was so nice seeing Michael up there on the stage, and he played the violin tonight as well! I played the viola, and Michael would always be willing to help me out with it if needed. He's been playing the violin since he was six years old, and it showed in his performance because of how great he did.

We watched all the groups and to be completely honest, I sang loudly to all of them, and enjoyed them so much. Michael and Jay did awesome together in a group and, of course, their performance was my favorite.

Unfortunately, someone has to get eliminated every week, whether everyone wants to or not. And tonight was even a double elimination. Any elimination in the first place stresses me out, let alone a double one! I was so sad when they announced who was up; Mikey, Cam, and Andrew Butcher. I liked all of the boys and thought they were all so talented, so I really wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye to two of them.

After waiting for Rita to finally spit out who was safe, she revealed that it was Mikey. I immediately felt bad for Michael. I knew he was really close with Cam.

After the show, Molly, Kaitlyn and I went backstage to meet with all the boys and parents. I was happy to see Michael and I instantly hugged him again and congratulated him on how amazing he did. He thanked me, but I could tell he was still sad about Cam, so I went to find Molly instead so that I could give him some space.

"Hey, Erica!" Molly said. "This is Jay, my brother."
I looked up to see Jay staring down at me. He was so tall and his eyes were beautiful. I quickly realized I was staring and tried to smoothly introduce myself.

"Hi Jay, I'm Erica," I said. "I'm one of Michael's younger siblings." Jay smiled back at me.

"I know, Michael has told me about you. It's nice to finally meet you!" Jay replied. "Well, I've gotta go, I'll catch you two later." And he was off to meet with the other boys for some interviews.

Molly and I found Kaitlyn and even met Jade, Mikey's sister. We started chatting with her and having a good time. I thought Molly and Jade were both so nice and pretty, and meeting them was really cool.

Soon enough, we left and headed back to the hotel. But it was absolutely chaotic.


Yay! Finally some Jay/Erica interaction. I assure you there will definitely be much more now that they've formally met! I just want to say that all of the sisters of the Boy Band boys are absolutely gorgeous and kind people, but I just wanted to keep it small and only include a few of them in my story. I hope you don't mind :)

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