Eighteen- Erica

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Erica's POV

We kissed.

It was magical.

I could feel the sparks flying around us.

When we pulled apart, we both just stared into each other's eyes for a little bit. I could tell we both just wanted to hold onto each other for a little longer.

But we both knew it was getting late, and Jay had to get up early to rehearse tomorrow.

"Bye, Jay," I said.

"See you soon, Erica," Jay replied.

And with that perfect ending to an already perfect night, I walked into my hotel room and waved one last goodbye to Jay as he headed to his room.

When I turned back around, I saw Michael standing right in front of me.

"So..." he said. "How was your first date?"

I told him everything. From the exotic walls, to eating a delicious pizza at Urth Caffe, to getting ice cream, to all the car rides. How he held me in his arms in the backseat and while we walked to my room.

"Did he kiss you?"

"Yes. Outside of the room when we said goodbye," I told Michael. Hopefully he wouldn't be mad about it...

"While I was in here? Grosssss," Michael said, with a laugh at the end. I knew he was joking and he was alright with it. That made me feel a lot better about kissing his best friend.

"Alright, well I'm beat. I'm ready to go to sleep," Michael said. He always worked really hard so I couldn't blame him for being tired.

"Turn off the lights when you're ready for bed," he added.

I nodded and went into the shower to be all clean. When I got out, I brushed my teeth and my wet hair and called it a night.

That night, I dreamed about going on more dates with Jay. That made me really excited for the future with us. Hopefully there was a future for us.

I woke up the next day and Michael was already gone for rehearsals. It was Tuesday. That meant only three more days left for me in Los Angeles. I was dreading Friday at this point. I didn't want to leave at all. I loved it here, and I loved getting to hang out with Michael and Molly and of course, Jay.

But if Michael made it to the finale, which I knew for a fact that he would, my dad and siblings and I would get to come back to see the last show. I was hoping Jay would be there too.

Molly was lucky; she lived in Las Vegas, and that was only a couple hours away from Los Angeles, so she got to be at every show every single week. Unfortunately, Ohio was way farther away than just a two hour drive.

I scrolled through my phone while still in my bed since I was too lazy to get up and get ready for the day. Hey, if I had no plans then why should I make the effort to get ready ahead of time?

I remembered the photos we took yesterday and decided to find one to post on Instagram.

After lots of debating, I finally chose one. I wanted to post one of the photos from the first place we stopped at.

ericasm1th thank you for a fun night 💙 tagged jhypeofficial

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ericasm1th thank you for a fun night 💙
tagged jhypeofficial

username2 um jay is mine
molly_k_g__ this is so pretty Erica! 😍😍
username3 well i guess Molly approves^ 😂
kaitlynsm1th yesssss so cute Erica 🔥🔥
username4 this is a really cool photo
jhypeofficial 🔥
username7 did you guys go on a date?
username8 Awwww jhypeofficial
michaelbmoc cool pic little sis
username10 okay but you're goals erica

   I smiled as I scrolled through my comments. My photo was getting a lot more likes than usual. Probably because Jay was tagged in it, and more fans are realizing that I'm Michael's sister. I didn't care about the few negative comments I got, however. Michael always taught me to ignore them and how they were just small mean comments in a giant world full of nice ones.

   I wondered if Jay was going to post a photo from last night. Maybe since I did, he would too. I took some photos of him at different cool spots we found, so hopefully my photography job was done well.

   I didn't know if Jay was planning on telling his fans about us. But to be honest, I wasn't sure what we are in the first place. Were we dating? We aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet, but that's all I know. Who knows, maybe Jay won't even want to go out with me anymore. Maybe we were better off as just friends.


Jay: Hey Erica. Which one of these should I post?

   I examined the three photos he sent me and told him that I liked number three the best. Then I got another notification.

   jhypeofficial tagged you in a post

   I opened up Instagram again and checked it.

 jhypeofficial shouts out to the pro photographer who makes everything 10x more fun ericasm1th tagged ericasm1th

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

jhypeofficial shouts out to the pro photographer who makes everything 10x more fun ericasm1th
tagged ericasm1th

username1 JAYRICA
username3 You look so hot in this
username4 date me
ericasm1th whatta model 😍
michaelbmoc stud
username5 ^ my favorite siblings
molly_k_g__ what about Jay and me? ^
username6 I LOVE YOU JAY
username7 ur amazing ily
bradytut ooooo
mkyofficial that's mah boiii
username8 are you dating her?
username9 Isn't it weird that you're dating one of ur best friends' sister?
username10 guys he can date whoever he wants^

   I thought it was really nice how some of the fans defended me. A lot of people didn't want me to date Jay but the majority of fans who said that only want to date Jay themselves.

   Oh well. I want to date Jay, but right now, it's up to him. We'll see if he wants to date me.


Thank you all so much for 64 votes. That is amazing. I hope you enjoyed the double update! :) I will hopefully be updating more later, since it is the weekend! It's also a three day weekend, so I should have plenty of time to update. If you read this far, comment your favorite performance on boy band! :)

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