Twelve- Jay

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Jay's POV

   I started heading back to my room because I had to go rehearse my choreography for "Jealous" in 30 minutes. With my room key in hand, I stuck it into the slot and tried to twist the doorknob open.

But, the card wasn't being read. Red lights kept blinking to alert me that my key was not working. I tried it again and tried the knob as well. Nothing. Maybe if I tried harder it would open, and the lights were just acting up. Because I knew for a fact that this was the correct room key card. I fidgeted with the door a little, but it didn't work in my favor. No such luck.

I kept trying the card, but every time it just flashed red lights at me. I wanted green, not red! And I just needed to get inside of my fricken hotel room! I flipped the card upside down to see if that would make any difference, and tried to open the door once more, but nothing.

Then it hit me. Gosh, I'm so dumb. When I flipped the card over, I remembered that there were arrows pointing to the right side to stick into the reader. I mentally face palmed and chuckled slightly at myself. I inserted the card in correctly this time, and of course it worked.

I knew Molly and Erica were here, but when I walked in, I didn't hear anything. No noise, no talking, no sounds. I walked slowly, kind of getting worried. They wouldn't have gone out without Molly texting me first. The bathroom door was open, too, so it's not like one of them was in there. I stopped. From where I was standing, I could only see one of the beds and about 75% of the room, but neither Molly nor Erica was there.

I kept walking but then I saw Molly jump out and swing her Hydro Flask at me. Being the tall person I am, she missed my head, luckily, and the bottle hit my chest instead. No damage done.

"What are you doing, Molly?" I asked, kind of shocked and trying to process what the hell just happened.

"Oh my gosh, Jay! We're so sorry," Molly started. "We were watching a horror movie and heard you struggling with the door and assumed the worst."

"Jeez, you nearly gave us a heart attack," Erica said with a giggle.

"I did? Molly fricken jumped at me and swung a water bottle at me!"

But then we all bursted into laughter. I'm just glad we're all okay. We had a cheesy group hug before Erica said she should be getting back to her room now.

"I've got choreo in a few, so I'll walk with you, Erica. Your room is on the way to the elevator."

She nodded and waited while I grabbed a hoodie. I always had to have a hoodie with me.

The walk to her room was short, of course. We just had to walk down the hall, after all. I hugged her goodbye and told her how I was looking forward to our date tomorrow. I made sure I dropped the word again. Date.

Of course, that made her blush. And at that moment, I told myself. This is my favorite person.


Okay, sorry for the short chapter! But I wanted to double update for you guys, so that y'all weren't left hanging with the cliffhanger from last chapter! :)

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