Seventeen- Jay

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Jay's POV

"We are going to get some dessert before heading back!" I said.

"Yay! You know I will always have room for dessert," Erica said, laughing.

   We walked down to this small ice cream shop. I knew Erica liked ice cream, because one time we talked about what she did so far over summer, and she said she ate a lot of ice cream. Another thing I loved about her; she was always honest and open to talking about anything.

   "Woah! This place looks really cool!" Erica said, beaming and getting all excited and cute like always. We walked in and the place was decorated really nicely and had lots of colors.

   When we got up to the front, Erica ordered a scoop of mint chocolate chip, and I ordered cookies and cream. There was a little table for two in the corner, and after waiting for the man to get our scoops, we headed over there.

   I sat at the chair across from her and we both stared to eat our ice cream.

   "Is it good?" I asked.

   "Yes. I love all ice cream," Erica said with a giggle at the end. I smiled back at her.

   "Did you have fun tonight?"

   "Of course I did. Like I said, everything you planned turned out amazing. I had so much fun," Erica said. "Did you have fun?"

   "Any time I'm with you is fun," I replied, just waiting for a blush to travel onto her face.

   There it was.

   I could stare at Erica forever. But for her sake of not getting creeped out with me, I broke my focus on her.

   "I agree. You always seem to have the ability of making anything into something super fun," Erica told me. That made me smile. I'm glad she had so much fun. Otherwise it would've been a failed mission.

   We continued eating our ice cream and it didn't take too long since we both just got one scoop. The pizza we shared was pretty filling.

   Erica started telling me about her plans for the school year. She told me what classes she was going to take and how she was aiming for straight A's. In return, I told her about how school wasn't going to be my main focus this year. But of course I still knew that doing well in school was important, and I still wanted to get good grades.

   "When do you have to leave?" I asked. I was dreading whenever this day happened to be. I didn't want Erica to leave.

   "Unfortunately, I'm leaving on Friday," Erica said, frowning.

   My mouth turned upside down into a sad frown, as well.

   "But don't worry. We've still got a few days left to hang, and we can always text or FaceTime when I go back home," Erica said. "It won't be that bad."

   I nodded my head, trying to see the positive side. Erica was always such a positive person. That seemed to make the whole world around her more happy. People who have that impact are very important to this world.

When we finished our ice cream, I had already called the uber to pick us up outside and take us back to the hotel. We sat together in the back seat again and I could tell Erica was tired, so she leaned her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her.

The ride back to the hotel was pretty quiet, since Erica and I were pretty tired. But I didn't mind, because I got to hold her. And everything seemed perfect at that moment.

Walking back to Erica's room was pretty much the same. We walked with my arm around her. I wish I could hold her forever.

We stopped right in front of her door. I wish the night didn't have to end.

"I had so much fun tonight, Jay. Thank you," Erica said, wrapping her arms around me. I did the same thing with my arms to her, too.

"I'm so glad. I hope we can do something else together soon," I said.

"For sure!" Erica said with a smile. "Just let me know when."

And then I did it.

I leaned in.

She leaned in, too.

Our lips met.

The kiss was amazing.

The night ended perfectly.

I love Erica Smith.


Ahhhh I hope you guys liked it! I'm sorry that this chapter is a little short, but I felt like I ended it at a good spot to end with. If that makes any sense.. You guys are amazing. I've been getting so many votes (44 atm) and I can't thank you enough. Even if you don't vote for my story, the fact that you're even here reading it means the world to me as well! I currently have over 1k reads and that is so amazing. I can't believe it. Thank you. If you read all of that, comment your favorite emoji :)

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