Twenty Eight- Erica

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Erica's POV

Presley, Kaitlyn and I met Jay and Molly in front of Chance's room. Jay and Molly had gotten there first, but they couldn't get in, obviously. Presley had the room key and let us all in.

   We all sat on the beds or the few chairs they had in the room.

   "Chance said they're done with the interviews and are on their way," Presley announced. We all replied with a quick 'okay' and got back to talking.

   Everyone just talked about really random topics, such as what they ate for breakfast. Presley brought that one up. It was hilarious how exotic the subject was.

   Time passed quickly, and the boys all entered the room. There are so many of them! Well, not that many, but it seemed like a lot, since they are all pretty tall.

   "Hey, we should play truth or dare!" Devin suggested, loudly. We all agreed and Devin wanted to go first.

   "Jay, truth or dare?" he asked.


  "I dare you to kiss someone on the cheek," Devin laughed. We all knew he was going to kiss me. I mean, there were only three other girls here, and he wasn't going to kiss one of his friends. Now that would be absolutely 100% awkward. Imagine that. Jay kissing Michael on the cheek. Even the thought made me half cringe half laugh out loud.

   Instantly, Jay sprung up and kissed me on the cheek super quickly.

   "Done. Michael, truth or dare?" Jay asked.


   "Who's your celebrity crush?"

   Michael looked upwards, as if he was looking in his brain to find the answer. "Selena Gomez!" He finally said after a brief moment of silence.

   Everyone laughed and the game continued on.

   "Hey, Chance I dare you to post a photo of you with your finger up your nostril on your snapchat story!" Brady exclaimed. He got so excited about that one.

   Chance sighed and did it. He immediately got tons of screenshots and fans went straight to Instagram to post it. The photo was everywhere. Brady thought it was hilarious and kept cracking up on the floor. We all just laughed at how funny Brady thought this all was. Chance couldn't ever stay mad at anyone, so of course he joined in on the laughter.

   "Erica, truth or dare?" Chance asked me, after most of the laughter had died down.

   "Umm," I didn't know which to choose to be honest. I haven't played this game too often and this was my first time getting chosen tonight. I kept a pretty low profile during this hang out.

   "Truth?" I finally said, but it came out more as a question than an answer. Uh oh. What was he going to ask? I hope it wasn't going to be anything too embarrassing.

"What is your favorite thing about Jay?" Chance asked, and everyone went 'ooooooh.'

"Well, I like that he can turn any negative situation into a positive one. Like he is always super happy and it rubs off onto people which is awesome," I explained.

"Aw, thanks babe!" Jay said, smiling.

"Babe?" Michael and I asked in unison. We both then looked at each other and bursted out laughing. Soon enough, everyone else laughed, too. I loved how we all laughed together. It was awesome. It made everything so much fun.

"Alright, umm..." I said, not sure who to ask. "Molly! Truth or dare?"

Molly flinched, as no one picked her yet, either. She paused for a few seconds to think about her answer.

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