Fifty One- Erica

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Erica's POV

We all woke up pretty early in the morning. It was surprising, due to the fact that we went to sleep only a few hours ago. We were originally planning to have no sleep at all, but when we realized how tired we all were, we decided it would be best to actually call it a night.

   Today was Wednesday, and we had planned to go out for breakfast for starters. Currently, we all still remained in bed, not wanting to leave the comfiness. But after a few more moments of us all being lazy bums, Presley broke the ice.

"Guys, we should probably get up and get ready so that we can have more fun today," Presley suggested. We all nodded our heads in agreement and all left the beds and went to get our stuff to get ready.

Once we were all finished, Presley's mom knocked on the door, right on time. She was here to drive us to the restaurant for breakfast. We previously decided on eating at Urth Caffé, and I was super excited. Jay and I went on a date there, after all, so the place only brought great memories. I couldn't wait to have another fun memory of the place with all my girls.

The five of us piled into Shawnee's car. On that note, we were on our way. During the car ride, Jay sent me a few text messages.

Jay: Good morning beautiful 😍💜
Jay: Have a fun day with the girls today :)
Erica: Morning my love 💙 Thank you!
Jay: No problem. What are you guys doing today?
Erica: We're heading to Urth Caffé for breakfast right now. Thinking of you 💝
Jay: Aww, I loved that day. I'll leave you to it. Have fun babe ❤️
Erica: Thank you 💖 Text you later :)

"Are you texting your boyfriend?" Jade teased, causing the other girls to turn their heads toward me, making 'oooh' remarks.

"Yeah, but he just let me be so that I could have fun with you guys," I responded.

"That is so nice. It's a good thing he isn't clingy," Presley said. She's right. He is a great boyfriend.

"Yeah, you're lucky," Kaitlyn said. "Don't even get me started on my ex boyfriend. The worst. The clingiest. Ugh."

I remembered Kaitlyn's ex like they dated just yesterday. It was weird because he was still in our lives. But I mean, he is friends with Michael, so that's a given. I doubt Michael would end a friendship with one of his buddies over Kaitlyn or me, unless they had hurt us.

Kaitlyn's situation with this boy, was just plain annoying. He annoyed her all the time, and she never got a break from him. Even if she wanted to have some alone time, he would always end up texting her or asking to FaceTime. I'm so glad I don't have a relationship like that. It would be too much for me to handle, and I really don't want a possessive boyfriend.

We got to the restaurant, and our table was already set for us. Shawnee had reserved a table to eliminate any possibilities of having to wait. This restaurant was very popular, so it was definitely a good idea on her part.

We all sat together at a table. I sat next to Presley, with Molly on the other side of me. We all chatted up a storm, as usual. Shawnee took a few pics of us, just like all moms would. To remember this fun day, right? That totally sounds like something my mom would use as a caption.

Our food arrived shortly after the waiter took our orders, and that was so relieving, as I worried that my stomach would growl loudly and scare everyone away. I had some french toast with strawberries, and it tasted really good.

Everyone else, including me, devoured the food. It was all so yummy and we may have also been rushing so that we could get to our other plans for the day. Hey, you can't blame us for being excited teenage girls. Well, most of us are teens. Once again, I forget Molly's age.

Shawnee insisted on paying for all of our meals, so of course we all engulfed her in a big hug and said thank you.

Next on the agenda? Mall day! Of course. What's a girls day without a little shopping? I mean, I know we'll end up doing a lot more than just a little shopping, but we're girls. We love shopping.

Shawnee dropped us off at the Grove. She had some other things to get done today, so it was convenient for her to just leave us there. Presley said she'd call an uber to take us back to the hotel afterwards.

We hit up many stores, tried on some funny outfits that we'd never purchase in a million years, and stopped for some Starbucks. Of course. In between the funny moments, we posed for some selfies and took some actual good photos that could possibly end up on one of our Instagram accounts. We even asked some random lady to take our photo so that all of us could be in it, unlike all the others where we took turns snapping them for one another.

Throughout the whole day, I couldn't help but wonder if Michael had made the band, and whether or not he'd be receiving amazing news about it tomorrow during the live show. All the boys in the top eight recorded parts of them singing "Eyes Closed," and I just hope everything goes well for Michael. I know how much it means to him, and I know how hard he has been working through it all. It would be great for him to be in the band with Chance and Mikey, because maybe that would mean I'd get to spend extra time with Presley and Jade.

Of course, I wish some major plot twist would happen, where Jay actually ends up in the band. But, unfortunately, that wouldn't actually happen. As much as I wish it would, I know it really won't. But it's okay. Because I know Jay still has unbelievable talent and it'll take him far. Even if it means he won't be in the band.

After the girls and I were finished at the mall, Presley called up an Uber to pick us up. We also made a minor plan adjustment on the spot while we were out. That minor adjustment, was that we were all going to sleep over at Presley's room again tonight. Of course, we all asked our parents and they were cool with the change of plans. We just had so much fun together.

   When the Uber dropped us off in front of the hotel, we all went together into the corresponding elevator that took us to the floor we were all staying at. Once the elevator came to a stop, we went our separate ways to our own rooms, so that we could get our stuff together for tonight's sleepover.

   Presley walked the farthest down the hall, Jade walked slightly less far, Molly was a few doors down from me, and Kaitlyn and I had the shortest journey to our room.

   I got my change of clothes and a few other necessities. Kaitlyn did the same and we stopped to chat with our brothers and dad for a little, who were in the room at the moment. Patrick, Brendan, and Dad had just gotten back from seeing a movie at the theater. Now, they were just relaxing and having some "bro time."

   After we finished up our conversation with them, Kaitlyn and I said our goodbyes and started walking back to Presley's room. Although I had just seen everyone less than an hour ago, I couldn't wait for tonight and all the adventures to come.


Guys. I'm so sorry this chapter took so long. I had such a busy weekend, and I finally found time to work on this, and finish it. Today, I didn't have a lot of homework, so I was able to get this up for you guys. I hope you don't mind that you guys had to wait a little longer than usual for this update. Enjoy :)

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