Thirty- Jay

613 13 10

Jay's POV

   I had just texted Erica, but I'm sure she had to turn her phone on airplane mode, so I wasn't worried when she didn't reply back. She promised me that she would text me when she landed safely.

   Molly and my dad had left this morning by car to go back to Las Vegas. The two of them continuously drove back and forth to see me perform, and my dad didn't mind since Vegas was only a 2 hour drive away from Los Angeles.

I was forever thankful for them. Molly has always been my number one supporter my whole life. She is always there for me. Just like how Erica is with Michael. My dad is amazing, too. Fully supports what I do, and he loves that I'm following my passion. Not to mention, my mom has stayed in the same hotel room with me throughout this whole journey. I'm sure she has gotten tired of me once or twice and felt homesick at times.

I felt really lucky to have such great parents and such a great sister. I couldn't ask for a better family. I'm so glad they all support my beatboxing/ singing passion and will go the extra mile for me. And of course, I would do the same for them.

Back at home in Vegas, my dad worked hard at his job as a hair stylist. He was great at it, and I was happy knowing that he enjoyed doing it. It made me sad to think about how there are people out there who have to live doing a job every single day, but it doesn't bring them happiness. Being happy should always be one of the top priorities, in my opinion. If you aren't happy doing it, then don't do it at all. That's what my parents always taught me. And I sure am beyond happy doing what I do now.

Although I did just get voted off last night, I couldn't have asked for a better season. Everything went so well. I honestly didn't even think that I would make it to the top 18, let alone top 10! I am honestly just so thankful to even have this opportunity in the first place. I couldn't imagine my life without doing this show. Where would I be? Would I still have 300 followers on Instagram, posting videos my mom filmed of me beatboxing in the middle of our kitchen?

   My mom and I had booked our flight for noon. It was now 9:00am and we still had plenty of time. I had only waken up this early because I wanted to make sure Erica had gotten on her flight alright. I was still exhausted. Last night was so much fun with everyone.

   I decided to go back to sleep, after looking over and noticing that my mom was still sleeping, as well. I knew that we would definitely wake up in time for our flight at 12:00pm so I didn't bother with setting an alarm.

   I liked listening to music when I fell asleep, so I put in my earbuds and jammed out while trying to settle down at the same time. I fell asleep shortly after, due to me being super tired. This whole competition was super fun, don't get me wrong. But all the work you put in builds up and contributes more and more, so I am completely exhausted right now.

   It didn't feel like I was asleep for a long time. But, I was not awoken by myself. I woke up, and since my earbuds were in I was jolted awake by the notification sound. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of my blurred vision from sleeping, and looked at the screen.


This can't be real.

It was a text.

From Erica.

I couldn't even move right now.

I didn't know what to do.

What am I supposed to do?

This isn't real.


Oh my god.

Did she only text me?

How could this happen?

Why did this have to happen?

This is so not fair.

Life is not fair.


This is not real.

The text.

It is real.

I can't do anything.

What am I supposed to do?

I can't move right now.

Maybe I misread the text.

I flipped my phone back over, to reread the text for myself again.





This can't be happening.

Erica: Jay, I can see out the window that my plane is crashing. There is no safe way out, I only have a few more seconds left to text you this. This is the last thing I can do. I love you so much, never doubt that. Please don't forget me. Tell Molly and everyone else that I love them too. Goodbye, Jay and thank you for everything. You deserve the world.


I'm sorry.

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