Twenty Five- Erica

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Erica's POV

   The girls and I quickly each found a nice outfit for the show tonight. It was pretty easy, since there were really good stores here. Los Angeles has everything.

   The rest of the time, we spent it messing around in different stores, trying on different tacky outfits. I swear, I have never laughed this much in my whole entire life. Everyone had so much fun. We all got to know Presley and told her about ourselves as well. She was really cool.

   We lost track of time because we were having so much fun. It was about 2:30pm now, and we had to get going. The live show required us to be there by 3:30, so Presley called her older sister, Aspen, to give us all a ride back to the hotel. It was really convenient since we were all staying at the same hotel, on the same floor.

   When Aspen came, we rushed into the car and got going right away. Arriving back at the hotel, we all practically sprinted out of the car and ran towards the elevators. Jeez, I guess when you have so much fun, time flies by really fast.

   Once the elevator door opened, we all ran out and parted our ways to our own rooms. Kaitlyn came into mine so that we could get ready together again. We changed into our new outfits so fast. Then, Kaitlyn curled my hair. Luckily, I didn't have long hair so it wasn't hard to curl nor did it take too long.

   Our dad and younger brothers knocked at our door to come pick us up at 3:15. We packed everything up, made sure to turn off the curling iron, and went out the door. We rode in a little bus with all the other siblings and family members that took us directly to the venue, and dropped us off in the backlot so that we could have an easy access to the backstage area.

   I was getting super excited to see everyone perform tonight. Plus, I was also looking forward to seeing the girls again, even if i did just see them a couple hours ago. It was just always so fun with them. We asked a lady who was able to pull some strings for us and get us all with seats together. The night was going to be a blast.

We walked in through the back, so that no fans would mob us. I didn't really understand why this was a rule, especially since I highly doubt that we would get mobbed. It's not like we actually were the boys or something.

The positive side, however, was that we were able to see all the boys before the show. I always liked seeing them and I made sure to wish each and every one of them the best of luck. They were all amazing, I knew they didn't need good luck in order to perform well.

"Erica!" Jay shouted, his voice cracking slightly. That made everyone burst out into laughter. All the guys knew about Jay and I. And, I found that a little weird because I was still unsure about what we were. So I honestly have no idea what Jay told them. Maybe I could ask Michael later.

"Hey, Jay!" I ran up to him and gave him a hug. I could just feel everyone's eyes on us. "Good luck, tonight. I know you're going to kill it like always!"

He smiled back at me. "Thank you, beautiful. See, you can cheer anyone up."

Beautiful? Oh okay. Nothing strange there. I'm not freaking out at all. I'm okay. We're all okay. I'm not blushing. It's alright. It's all good. No one will notice.

"Erica, you're blushing... again!" Jay said, laughing. Okay, I guess someone did notice.

"Sorry..." I trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

Jay took his finger and placed it under my chin, lifting my head up to meet his gaze.

"Don't apologize for anything, Erica," Jay said in a low, soft voice. "I love it when you blush."

The tone of his voice at the moment sent chills down my spine. In addition, what he had just said made me blush even more. Like that was even possible at this point; my face probably looked just like a tomato.

Jay chuckled, as he noticed my face turn every more red. I smiled back, not really knowing how to respond. Luckily, the awkwardness was broken when Molly approached us.

"Erica, hey!" Molly came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey, Molly! Long time no see, as Kaitlyn would say," I said, laughing.

Molly giggled, and she told us that the stage director wanted us to take our seats soon.

"Where are Kaitlyn and Presley?" I asked. We were all supposed to sit together, but when I looked around, I couldn't seem to find either of them.

"Don't worry about them, I found them earlier and told them to go save our seats," Molly replied.

"Alright, give me a sec, I just want to wish everyone good luck," I said to Molly.

I turned around and faced where all the boys were sat down in chairs getting their hair fixed up.

"Hey, everyone. I know you're all going to do great no matter what I say, but good luck! You are all some of the most talented people I've ever met before and I know that all of you are going to do amazing tonight. No matter what happens, I hope everyone here knows that tons of people, along with me, will support you endlessly. Don't be stressed about the double elimination. Everyone here is so talented, that I know whoever has to leave tonight, would have been a really hard choice," I said. I felt like a motivational speaker at the moment, and laughed a little on the inside.

"Wow, Michael really wasn't kidding when he said you have great pep talks," Mikey responded.

"Thank you, Erica!" All the boys said almost all at once. They were all so nice, as well.

And with that, Molly and I left to take our seats. Kaitlyn and Presley were already there, so I greeted them both with a 'hello' before we all stared talking.

We still had about an hour left until the show started, but I knew time would go by fast since I was having a good time with the girls. However, I admit that I was feeling nervous for the show. I know I told all of the boys to not worry about the elimination, but on the inside, I was getting really worried. I didn't want to see any of the boys leave the competition. None of them deserved to leave.

Presley, Kaitlyn, Molly, and I all spent the last hour before the show talking amongst one another and dancing and singing along to the music they played for the audience while you waited.

The time had finally come. The show was beginning, and I felt myself grow anxious again.


Oh my gosh guys. Thank you so so so much for 4K reads. It's crazy to think that it's even true; when I wrote this, I thought only like 5 people would come across my book and read it. So thank you!! If you read this, comment your favorite performance that Mikey was in. I really liked his solo when he sang Chains, but I also really liked him in Jealous. :)

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