Forty Three- Erica

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Erica's POV

Today was Friday, and that meant I had to leave. Originally, I thought I was staying for a whole 7 days, but plans changed. I was sad, but I'd get to see them again in a couple of weeks. Plus, I would never lose contact with Molly and Jay. Molly had already created a schedule of time slots when we could FaceTime. She was very good at planning.

   I was flying back in the afternoon, so I still had some time to hang out with the Gilbert family. Mama and Papa Hype made breakfast this morning. I smelled the chocolate chip pancakes right when I woke up, so Molly and I raced downstairs to eat.

Afterwards, there wasn't much time to do something big. But that's okay, because over the past few days we have been doing a lot of fun things all around the city of Las Vegas. Today's agenda just included a mall trip. Molly loves shopping, I love shopping, and even Jay loves shopping. He will always take up any opportunity he gets if it means he may get a new pair of shoes. That boy loves shoes.

Molly and I were getting ready to go, listening to music at the same time. We made a playlist of all our favorite songs, so that we could always play it and think of each other while we're apart. Sounds cheesy, but oh well. Friendship is more important to me than what you judgy people think.

After a little bit of time passed, we went to the mall. Mama Hype dropped us off at one of their favorite malls to go to. I was excited. This time, I would actually get the chance to buy something using my own money. Their parents weren't present to pay for things for me. Of course I was thankful when they did so, but I didn't want to cost them too much.

We went through many clothing stores. Molly had amazing style and didn't dress like a normal 11 year old at all. Everything she picked out for herself was very stylish and trendy. She picked out some things for me, knowing that I liked to wear things more simple and casual.

Jay immediately went over to the shoes, and was mesmerized by all of them. Molly and I found it absolutely and utterly hilarious. He kept gasping as he discovered these new pairs of kicks, and moved along the shoe section at a fast pace. He seemed to have wanted to look at every single shoe.

After leaving that store, we went to a couple others before stopping at a restaurant in the mall for lunch. Shopping always works up an appetite. I ordered this pasta salad thing that was really good. I've never had anything like it before, and I'm glad I tried it.

   Finishing up with lunch, Jay told me that his parents insisted on having them pay for my lunch. I couldn't even begin to protest, because I know I would only lose the argument in the end. They were very dedicated to paying for my meals while I was here. We continued a little more shopping, as Jay wanted to look for more shoes, and Molly wanted to try on some outfits with me.

   Along the way, Michael texted me. I was so happy, as he has been very busy recently and never really got the chance to have a decent to long conversation with me.

Michael: Hey Erica, I've been super busy, but I just wanted to check up on you. How has Vegas been? When is your flight back home?
Erica: Hi Michael!! Vegas is amazing! The Gilberts have been so nice to me and have made my stay here so much fun. My flight is at 3:00pm. We are at the mall right now, but I think we'll be leaving soon 👍🏻
Michael: Nice 😊 Have a safe flight! Tell Jay and Molly I said hello, and make sure you text me as soon as you land back home. Okay?
Erica: Got it. Thank you. Miss you a lot 💓
Michael: Miss you too. Can't wait to see you at the finale though! 😌
Erica: Me too! Gtg now, Molly and Jay are about ready to go :) Love you! 💙
Michael: Love you Erica. Be safe ❤️

   Mama Hype met us by the entrance of the mall and picked us up right on time. It was 1:30, so I needed to go back to the house, put the new stuff I had just bought into my suitcase, and be on my way to the airport. Of course, all four Gilberts insisted on coming with me to the airport. I was very thankful, as I didn't want to have to wait in long, boring lines with no one to talk to. And I definitely did not want to chat it up with a complete stranger.

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