Thirteen- Erica

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Erica's POV

It was the next day, and I had multiple things planned. But I didn't mind, I liked having plans. It sure did beat sitting around all day in the hotel.

   Just like Patrick wanted, all the Smith kids were going to have breakfast at Denny's this morning. It was early: 7am and Michael had woken me up. Apparently we had to get there early so that it wouldn't be crowded and Michael wouldn't have any chance of missing rehearsals. But really? I doubt we would have to worry about Denny's getting too crowded for 5 kids on a weekday morning. Especially since it was a Monday.

I groaned when Michael shook me awake. But I knew he would not let me get any more sleep. I did the usual routine, nothing special. We were just going to breakfast, after all. If anything, I would do something special for later when I went on a date(?) with Jay.

My routine was pretty solid by now, so I was done getting ready after about 15 minutes. Hey, that's way shorter than how long Kaitlyn takes...

While I was getting ready, Michael had went to my other siblings' room and woken them up, too. He really wanted to be on time, to say the least. Honestly I had no idea why he was in such a rush. He had to leave at 12pm, we aren't going to take 5 hours to eat a few pancakes!

   Everyone else was ready by 7:45am, and off we went. I thought it was very convenient for the Starbucks and Denny's to be so close to our hotel. Walking to these places only took 5 minutes at most. Back home in Cleveland, of course there weren't any places walking distance from my house. It was a refreshing change.

    We made it to Denny's and as I predicted: there were barely any customers inside. It was way too early for kids on summer to be here, and most of the people around ages 18 and up were getting ready to go to work.

   I had to admit though, I was pretty hungry. I noticed this by the sound of my stomach growling right as I stepped inside and smelled the sweet scent of freshly made pancakes. So, I guess Michael urging us all to get here early was a good thing. At least it was a good thing for my stomach.

   The service here was pretty good, for a cheap looking diner. We got our food within a few short minutes after ordering. This was also very good for my growling stomach. Of course, I ordered pancakes, but I also got some bacon on the side. A little extra something for my extra hungry self.

   Patrick looked so happy when his food came. I have no idea how he can find so much joy from coming to Denny's. But, I mean, you do you, kid. I could tell Kaitlyn was pretty much half-asleep, as she was even less of a morning person than I am. Brendan was pretty decent, he usually woke up early on his own, but the time change probably got to him.

   Once again, Michael was rushing. He was stuffing his face at a record speed. What was happening with him? I thought I should ask him later, maybe he would rather tell me what's up if it isn't in front of everyone else. I know we are all super close siblings, but I know Michael. And if something's the matter, he doesn't like to make a big scene about it.

   Since I assumed Michael was only rushing because something was wrong, I tried my best to eat fast without giving myself the urge to throw up. I was a normal-paced eater, I guess you could say. But the rest of my siblings ate pretty fast. Definitely not as fast as Michael was eating at the moment, however.

When everyone was finished, of course Michael had his wallet out and ready to pay as soon as the waitress brought out the check. I really hoped that whatever was bothering Michael wasn't too bad. I always wanted him to be happy, and I knew he wanted the same for me.

Michael seemed to be walking fast on the way back. He was fast walking like old ladies when they "run." No one wanted to be the one to slow Michael down while he was in such a hurry, so we all did the same pretty much.

We stopped first at my siblings' hotel room, so that Michael and I could make sure they got in alright. Afterwards, we went into our room. Now was my chance to see what was up.


I think this chapter was shorter than usual and I'm sorry for that, but I'll be hopefully updating later today. I don't have much homework so it will be easy for me to write new chapters today.

ALSO THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT. I saw that I had gotten 1k reads right when I got out of school and that made my day so much better!

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