Twenty One- Erica

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Erica's POV

It was now Wednesday, one day before the last live show I would get to see until the finale, two days before I have to leave sunny Los Angeles.

Today, my mom planned a girls day with Kaitlyn and I. I was really excited for it. The plan was to go hang out at pier, since we all really loved it there. It easily became one of my favorite places.

   Kaitlyn and I always took photos whenever we went to the Santa Monica Pier, so I knew I had to look decent today. I changed into some jean shorts and a white top with some pale purple tie dye effects on it. Like I've said before, dressing simple or casual is kind of my thing.

   Kaitlyn came over to my room to get ready with my mom and I. She was dressed in a really cute dress that was black and white with flowers all over it.

   I always did little to no makeup, so I kept things natural by putting on a coat of mascara. That's it. My mom and Kaitlyn were about ready to leave when I was finished, so we all got into the car and went on our way.

   Along the way, Jay texted me.

Jay: Hey beautiful. What are you doing today?
Erica: Kaitlyn, my mom, and I are going to Santa Monica
Jay: Again?? 😂
Erica: Hey, I love it there!! 😂
Jay: Me too. Wish I could be there instead of rehearsals right now :(
Erica: But remember: practice makes perfect!
Jay: Easy for you to say, you're already perfect 🙄
Erica: Hey I am not perfect. If anything, that's you!!! 😂❤️❤️
Jay: Hahaha thanks babe. Gtg rehearse. Text you later ❤️
Erica: Have fun!! ❤️

   We arrived at the pier and took photos right off the bat. Just as I had predicted. We posed with the ferries wheel in the background and some with the beach in the back. We took many Instagram worthy ones, so I wanted to post one right now.

ericasm1th Santa Monica Pier with my two favorites 💖tagged: kaitlynsm1th bikram_mohm

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ericasm1th Santa Monica Pier with my two favorites 💖
tagged: kaitlynsm1th bikram_mohm

username2 y'all are sooo pretty omg
kaitlynsm1th LOVE YOU ERICA ❤️
bikram_mohm I love you!
username3 cutiesss
username4 are you and Jay dating??
username5 😍😍😫🔥
jhypeofficial hey what about me? 🤔
jhypeofficial & u look pretty ❤️
username6 AWWW^
username7 Jayrica is goals 💙💙
username8 are you dating Jay?
michaelbmoc love all of you ❤️
molly_k_g__ Awww so pretty
username10 cuties
ericasm1th love you too 💓💓kaitlynsm1th bikram_mohm
ericasm1th you're my favorite too jhypeofficial and thank you ❤️❤️
ericasm1th 💘💘💘 michaelbmoc
ericasm1th ILY molly_k_g__

   Jay's comment made me blush to the max. My mom and Kaitlyn noticed my face getting red, and told me. I just shrugged it off and told them that I was just getting hot. I didn't want them to know that I was blushing over Jay.

   We hung out on the boardwalk and went in the water a little, too. I just got my legs wet, especially because I don't want to have to untangle my hair if it got wet. Whenever I go swimming or to the beach, my hair will get so tangled and knotted that it would be such a hassle afterwards.

   Throughout it all, we took more pictures. Of course we did, what do you expect? I took some photos of Kaitlyn and she took some of me. We took photos together and some with our mom.

   While we were strolling by all of the rides, some girls came up to us.

   "Oh my gosh! Kaitlyn! Erica! Dena!" a short brunette girl exclaimed. "Can we please take a picture with you! We love you guys! And Michael, too, obviously."

   "Of course!" I smiled back at the four girls. The short brunette girl looked about 11 or 12, and she was with two blondes and a red head. They all looked about the same age. They were all really pretty and nice, too. I was so glad that they were being nice to me, especially after the last fan encounter at Chipotle.

   Kaitlyn, my mom, and I posed with the girls while one of their parents (I'm guessing) took the photo. They all said thanks and bye before running off into a sea of people.

   "Wow, that was so cool!" Kaitlyn said.

   "Only more and more people will be recognizing us as Michael gets further into this competition," my mom said. She was right. It made me excited to see fans, and how they actually cared enough to take a picture with me made me happy. Now I really understood why Michael always took the time to stop and take a photo with fans.

   I got a notification and saw that the girl had posted the photo and tagged me in it! I liked it instantly and commented some heart emojis. I showed it to my mom and Kaitlyn and they did the same on their accounts.

   We had to get back because it was almost time for dinner. My family had planned to go out to dinner together, again, tonight. I enjoyed it. Especially because Kaitlyn, Patrick, Brendan, my dad, and I had to leave Los Angeles in two days. So, any time spent with my whole family was really nice.

   The car ride was pretty uneventful, since we were all pretty tired. The only talking we really did was discussing where we would go eat dinner tonight. My mom kept throwing out ideas while Kaitlyn and I just sat there listening and trying to be helpful. I was just trying my best to not fall asleep. I was really tired.

   When we got back to the hotel, it was 4:30pm. We were supposed to leave for dinner at 6:00pm, so I had plenty of time to take a nap.

   My mom and I said bye to Kaitlyn as we "dropped her off" at her room and went back to ours. I immediately plopped down on the bed and fell fast asleep. My mom told me she would wake me up at 5:30 so I would have enough time to get ready.


Okay, sorry for the uneventful chapter. I honestly didn't know where I was going with it. I hope it wasn't too bad. Also, I did use a photo that was taken the same time as one of the other Instagram posts in this story, so let's just pretend that they're from different days 😂 THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 3K OH MY GOD AHHH. AND THANK YOU FOR 97 VOTES! THATS ALMOST 100! I cannot thank you enough. If you read this far, comment your favorite performance that Michael was in. Mine would probably be Fighter, but I honestly love ALL of his performances, soooo... 😂

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