Thirty Three- Erica

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Erica's POV

   We finally landed in Cleveland, Ohio. It was a long flight, and I had slept almost the whole time. My dad typically liked to wait until everyone else left the plane before we got our stuff and exited. He said that it was faster that way, since no people would be in our way. We sat there on the seats for a few minutes until the last passenger got up to leave.

   We grabbed our carry-ons and personal belongings before leaving the plane. I took my phone out from my pocket and turned airplane mode off before unlocking it to check my notifications.

Jay: Hey, text me as soon as you land, okay? Just making sure you're alright 😊
Erica: Just landed. Shouldn't you be on your flight?
Jay: Haha funny story. My mom and I slept in and we woke up at 12:00pm, which was the time of our flight so we missed it. But she booked us a flight for tomorrow.
Erica: OMG JAY!! 😂😂 Of course you would do that 🙄😂
Jay: 😂😂 can't help it! show made me exhausted
Erica: I know, cause you worked so hard ☺️
Jay: ❤️ Well I'm glad you made it home safe.
Erica: 😂 was I going to get in a plane crash or something??
Jay: Well
Erica: What?
Jay: I had a nightmare
Erica: About?
Jay: You got in a plane crash. It felt so real.
Erica: WOAH I had a nightmare on the plane, too.
Jay: What about?
Erica: You got shot.
Jay: That happened in mine right before I woke up too!!
Erica: Woah... that's so weird
Jay: Ikr 🤔

   We got into my dad's car that was still parked in the same spot in which we left it at. Even though I loved it in Los Angeles, I kind of missed home. When I took my usual seat in the car, I breathed in and the car smelled like home. I couldn't wait to get back to my house.

Erica: Just got into the car, on my way home !!
Jay: yayyy i'm with Brooklyn
Erica: LUCKY! I didn't get to meet her 😢
Erica: HAHA OKAY 👌🏻
Jay: Thanks love you
Erica: Love u too

   I closed the messages app and opened up Instagram. Realizing I hadn't checked my feed since before my flight, I scrolled through many different posts. Finally, I got to Jay's and liked it and commented some heart eyes. Two cute things in one photo? Yes please!

   The drive from the airport to my house was around 10 minutes long. We pulled into the garage right this minute, and I was honestly really excited to go sleep in my own bed again. Hotel beds aren't as comfortable as the one you call your own. I wish we had a dog, or any pet, so that I could rush inside dramatically and hug.

   My dad gave the keys to Kaitlyn so that she could let us all in while he carried our suitcases inside. She unlocked the door and held it open for my brothers and me. We all hurried inside so that we wouldn't be in the way of our dad and the heavy luggage. I ran right upstairs to my room to see it. I know it has only been a little over a week since I had been in my room, but I still missed it. I jumped and flew into my bed and took in the familiar scent of it.

   I took my backpack and unloaded the few items that were inside. I placed my phone on my night stand, put my Chapstick away in the top drawer of my vanity, and untangled my earbuds and portable charger before putting them in their designated spot. My dad was finished carrying in all of our suitcases, so I went downstairs to get mine. I carried it upstairs, back to my room and opened it up. I had lots of dirty clothes that needed to be washed, so I dumped that section of my suitcase out and into one pile. I did not have any clean clothes left, but I did unpack the rest of the things I had brought.

   After I got everything settled back into their usual places, I grabbed my laundry basket from the laundry room downstairs, and carried it upstairs. Man, I was getting a great workout from walking up and down the stairs so much. My legs better be thinner by tomorrow. I threw the pile of worn clothes into the laundry basket. I decided to be a nice sister and do my siblings' laundry, too. I walked to Kaitlyn's room to see if she had her dirty clothes ready. She did, so she added them to the basket and I carried on to my little brothers' rooms.

   Brendan and Patrick also had their clothes ready to be washed, so they threw them into the now humongous pile. I had one more stop. Of course, I was going to check with my dad. He just barely started unpacking his suitcase since he had to help Brendan and Patrick with theirs first. To help him, he showed me which side of the case was full of dirty clothes and I dumped it out, directly into the laundry basket.

   I was finally done putting everything into the washing machine when I heard my phone ringing from upstairs. Yay, I get to walk up the stairs for the one hundredth time. But this time, I ran. I didn't want to miss the call if it was from someone important. When I arrived back in my room, I was very glad I had ran. It was Jay, he wanted to FaceTime. Of course, I pressed the decline button. Just kidding. Obviously, I pressed accept.

   "Hey!" Jay shrieked. "For a second there, I thought you were going to miss my FaceTime."

   "I was downstairs," I said. "I ran for you. Feel honored."

Jay laughed. "Thank you, I would've been sad if you missed my call."

"I would never try to purposefully do that," I giggled.

"I already miss you so much," Jay said.

"Me too," I said. "But at least we can FaceTime like this and text and Snapchat."

"Yeah that's good, I guess," Jay said. "But I wish I could see you in person sooner."

"Wait!" A light bulb went off inside of my head.

"What?" Jay looked confused. He was so cute when he was confused.

"Are you going to the finale?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," Jay said. "Those are my brothers I gotta be there to support them all."

"Well, if Michael makes it, I will be there!" I exclaimed with a big smile on my face.

"Yay! The finale isn't too far away," Jay replied.

We smiled at each other for like thirty seconds. It wasn't awkward, but it was special. Like if I were to do this with anyone else, it would be extremely and utterly weird. But with Jay, we were both comfortable with just staring at one another like this.

"Erica! Time to get dinner!" Kaitlyn yelled from downstairs.

"I take it that you have to leave now?" Jay asked with a smirk, knowing that he was correct.

"Sorry. I'll try to call you tomorrow," I said back to him.

"Don't stress it. Love you," Jay said.

"Love you more," I said, ending the call.


Okay so this was one of the longest chapters I have ever written but I felt that it was necessary because most of the chapter was nonsense about fricken laundry LOL I'm sorry for that. Hopefully next chapter will be more entertaining. :)

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