Twenty Two- Erica & Jay & Michael & Molly

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Erica's POV

   My mom shook me awake at exactly 5:30pm, just as promised. I thanked her for waking me up and got up immediately to fix myself up. I looked in the mirror and laughed as I saw how messy my hair was. Jeez, what did I do to my hair while I was asleep?

I brushed my hair out, and it took way more effort than it usually did. It was completely knotted. I freshened up my eyelashes by applying a new coat of mascara on top. Then, I changed out of my swimsuit and the clothes I had on from earlier. I took out a new outfit to wear. I didn't want to be uncomfortable while I was out tonight.

I was finished and all ready to go by 6:00pm. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Michael and my mom sitting there waiting for me. I guess Michael had gotten back from rehearsals while I was busy. He looked tired, but I could tell he was also hungry. Whenever he wanted food, he had this same look on his face. It was almost impossible to describe, but it definitely was a specific face. Anyway, I'm sure if he wasn't hungry, he would've asked Mom to let him stay in the room and sleep.

We met up with Kaitlyn, Patrick, Brennan, and Dad in the hotel lobby and walked altogether to the car waiting outside. My parents had agreed on a place to eat, and I honestly didn't mind where we went. As long as I was getting fed, I would be fine wherever.

The car ride was full of my family and I singing obnoxiously together. It was so much fun, and everyone always loved it.

We stopped after a short drive to the restaurant, and I looked outside of the window to see where we were. I had never heard of the place we were at, but from the giant light up burger on the sign, I'm making an assumption that it was a burger place.

Walking in, I thought I saw someone who looked familiar. They were sitting at one of the benches in the front, waiting to be seated.

"Erica!" Molly shouted. That's who it was! And, Jay was there, too. We locked eyes and he smiled at me.

"Hey, guys!" I said. "Family dinner night?"

"Yup, I'm assuming you are here for that, too?" Jay replied.

   Michael and I nodded in unison. Our parents were all talking to one another, while us kids all conversed.

   "Hey, why don't we all sit together in one big table?" Mama Hype suggested. She was one of the coolest moms I had ever met. Same goes for their dad, too. Overall, Jay and Molly had really cool parents.

   "Sounds like a great idea. Fine with you, kids?" My mom said. Of course, we all nodded in agreement. The more, the merrier, and we all loved Jay and Molly.

   Molly squealed in excitement, which made us all burst out into laughter.

   Since we were a now larger party, they were able to seat us quickly. I guess they had the big, long tables all open at the moment.

   I sat down in between Molly and Jay. Kaitlyn was on the other side of Molly, and Michael was on the other side of Jay. My little brothers sat on the other side with the parents.

   "How are you?" Jay turned to me and asked.

   "I'm alright, just a little tired. What about you?" I replied. I was honestly so glad that the awkward stage between Jay and I was over. It made having a conversation with him much more fun and easy.

   "Same here. But I'm also stressed about the performance tomorrow," Jay said.

   I sighed. "Jay, you'll do amazing. You always do," I reassured him. "No matter what happens, just know that you did your best and everyone is here to support you and we are all proud of you."

   "Thanks, Erica," Jay said. "You always know how to cheer me up." I smiled at his response. I was happy to know that he thought that highly of me.

"That is true," Michael added. "Erica gives the absolute best pep talks!"

"I agree as well," Molly said. "Erica is always there no matter the condition."

"Aw, thanks guys! I'm happy that you all think that way of me," I said, blushing. "I hope you all know that I love you!"

But then, someone answered really quickly.

"I love you, too."

Jay's POV

"...I hope you all know that I love you!" Erica said. Now here's my chance. I'll do it real slyly. Slip it into the conversation so smooth, no one will really notice.

Michael's POV

"...I hope you all know that I love you!" Erica said. Aww, Erica was a great little sister. I'll tell her that I love her too.

Molly's POV

"...I hope you all know that I love you!" Erica said. Gosh, Erica was honestly one of the best friends I've ever had. Of course I would say I love you back to her!


AHHH I'M SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER! Who do you think said I love you back to Erica? I will try my best to update as soon as possible. I just got assigned tons of homework for my English class, and I'm trying to finish that ASAP so that I can focus on updating. Try not to be too hard on me if I don't update as frequent as I did before. The homework load is coming on very strong now :( If you read all of this, comment your favorite opener! Mine is Uptown Girl, and I feel like almost everyone agrees with that 😂

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