23. Cocks And Rubik's Cubes

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I woke up too early to the sound of my beeping phone. I was ready to unleash hell on whoever was texting me at that ungodly hour, but when I saw the name on the screen, I couldn't contain the Cheshire smile that spread on my face.

Angelface: what do cocks and
rubiks cubes have in common?

Usually, I would be pissed for being awakened so early, but I loved Ash's dirty jokes, and he had tons of them.

Me: what? :)

Angelface: the more you play
with them, the harder they get ;)

I laughed and bit my lip, picturing him getting hard for me while I played with him. I shook it off and called him, as tradition dictated.

"Hey, gorgeous."

"Hey, handsome."

"You sound weird. Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, but you're allowed to."

"Sorry, I keep forgetting the time zones... Too early for cock jokes?"

"Never." I laughed. "Good one, by the way. Keep up the good work."

"Thanks... Hey, your birthday's coming up. What are you gonna do?"

"Uh... nothing, actually."

"What? How can you not do anything on your birthday?"

"Well, my whole family is in Italy, and I'm stuck in LA. Lucas even gave me a week off to visit, but I'm broke."

"Weren't you saving up?"

"Yeah, but if I go now, I won't make it during Christmas." I sighed. "Besides, something always comes up; I might not even go then."

"But it's your birthday!"

"I know, but it's not the end of the world. I'll just work through the week and have a beer with Ethan on Friday."

"Shut up!" he yelled, making me flinch. "You can't just do nothing!"

"It's okay, I don't mind..." I lied.

Ash went silent for a moment, and I wondered whether he was still on the line.


"I'll buy you a ticket," he said.

"You what?"

"I'll buy you a ticket. Take the week off to be with your family in Italy, then go back to LA whenever you have to."

"Ash, I can't accept--"

"Yes, you can. You're my best friend. Just pick the dates, and I'll take care of everything."

"You sure?"

"Yeeees... It's your birthday present."

"This is too nice."

"Not for me."

"I don't like being your charity case."

He groaned. "Fine. You pay me back when you can, and I'll just give you a shitty pair of socks."

"Rainbow colored?"


I couldn't believe he was doing this. I knew he wasn't going to let me pay him, but I would find a way, even if I had to shove the money down his throat.

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