12. Some Cold-Hearted Bitch

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I got sick of watching Ash and Kelsey flirt, so I went outside for a smoke. To my very surprise, he followed me to the curb.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, just need a breather." I lit up a cigarette, realizing the irony of my statement.

"I hear you." He got the pack and lighter from my hands, lighting one for himself. "You and I never had the chance to properly talk. How's Jessica?"

"Why'd you even bring that up? Especially after you already banged me senseless earlier today."

He looked down at me, biting his tongue, and I took a mental note to talk dirty around him more. "I was just curious. Besides, I wasn't thinking straight after you made all my blood flow down to my dick... Pretty much like now."

Damn. He talked dirty too. I wasn't used to this, not with him. I was used to be the one making people flush, not the other way around. I took a good look at the building, then the alley beside it, my mind spinning with... scenarios.

"So... Jessica?" he insisted. "How's your living arrangement going?"

"I moved out. Got a job at a tattoo shop and got the hell out of her place as soon as I could afford it."

"Why didn't you just pay her with money and kept living there?"

"I tried, but... something happened, and I had to leave."

"For real?" He shifted with curiosity. "Why?"

"I told you something happened."

"Stop being so vague."

"Why are you so nosy?"

"Isn't that what friends are for? To talk about stuff?"

"I don't like to talk about that stuff. Besides, I know you just want to gossip."

"I would never!" He pretended to be hurt, but his laugh gave him away. "Come on, talk to me."

"Fine... I offered her the money, but she wanted to be my girlfriend."

"Oh, I see..." He nodded understandingly. "So you ran off like your ass was on fire."

"You know me, Ash. I don't like being anyone's girlfriend."

"You're crazy, Val."

"How come? You don't date either."

"I'm not looking for a relationship, but that doesn't mean I'm running from them. This stuff just happens... or doesn't."

"I'm just not into the stuff, you know."

"Bullshit. I saw you parade around with Aedan for over two months, and you made a conscious effort to leave him. You were miserable when I met you at that bar."

"Of course! I'm not a monster!"

"No, you're just dead inside."

"Dead inside?" I choked on the words but pulled my shit together. I didn't like to argue with him. "Look, Aedan was great, but everyone is at first, then they start to show their true colors."

"Wow... That was bitter."

"I'm not bitter! I just don't buy that romantic crap anymore."

"You can't be that cold."

"No, I'm serious. Take Aedan, for instance. He was smart, handsome, talented... amazing personality." I counted my fingers, watching Ash roll his eyes as I listed my ex's qualities. "But I know there's something wrong with him."

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