Epilogue: Seattle

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I shook hands with my last client of the day and prepared to close the shop. It had been about a year since I had finished shooting the show, and it didn't seem there was going to be another season. Negotiations were taking forever.

It didn't matter though. With my nice enough paycheck and my savings, I packed my shit and moved up the cost, to start over. Ethan and Zoey were less than happy about it, but it was something I had to do. For some reason, whenever I needed closure, I moved. Besides, Ash had been right when he said California wasn't for me.

I pushed my ex to the back of my mind, where he belonged, and proceeded to put away my equipment.

"Goddammit... I'm so fucking late," my apprentice said.

"Go ahead, Megan. I can close the shop."

"You sure? That's my job."

"It's okay. You've already done most of the work. Besides, I'm the owner. It's my job too."

"Oh my God! I don't know how to thank you!" She gave me a nervous hug. "Oh, by the way: there's a super hot guy at the front desk. I told him we're closed, but he insisted on talking to you; said he's an old friend."

"Really? What's his name?"

"Oh, shoot! I forgot to ask! I'm so nervous about meeting my father. I don't know what I'm doing."

"Relax, I'll take care of it. Please tell him I'll be out in a minute, then you can go."

"You sure?"


She spun around to leave, but I called her back again.

"Megan... Did he sound Scottish?"

"Not really, no... But he didn't sound American either."

"Okay, go ahead. And good luck with your father."

I took a deep, calming breath, psyching myself up. Only one person could make me this nervous.

When I finally got a hold of myself, I creeped out of the procedure room. My heart stopped. Ash was standing at the doorway, looking out at the streets.


He turned to look at me, and his face instantly brightened up. He didn't seem upset. In fact, he looked like he was over me.

"Hey, Val."

"What're you doing in Seattle?" I asked.

He came over to the desk. "I'm shooting this chic flix in the city, so I decided to stop by."

"Really? When can I watch it?"

"Pretty soon, actually. We've just finished shooting. I'm headed back home tomorrow before the press junket."


There wasn't much to say after realizing he'd been in town for at least a few months and only now came to see me. Hell, I should be glad he even came at all.

"I wanted to come before... But I didn't have the time."

"I can imagine."

Or he was just postponing this painfully awkward confrontation.

None of our friends had told me he was coming. After our breakup, I refrained from bringing up his sake and everyone else did the same, out of respect. But they could have at least told me he was in town. Unless he asked them not to.

I was growing sick with how uncomfortable this reunion felt, and his body language suggested the same. Hands in his pockets, body swaying back and forth, the faces I knew he did whenever he didn't know what to say.

I could tell he regretted coming, and I couldn't blame him. I had made it terrible between the two of us, and I had been naive to ever think we could be friends again. Thanks to my stupid libido and lack of faith in commitment, we would never be the same again. Ash suddenly cut my thoughts with his melting voice.

"I was wondering if you could tattoo me. I figured it was about time, but that girl said you're closing for the day."

"I can make an exception for you!" I told him as quick and desperate as I would ever sound. "I mean, it's our last chance to do this, right?"

"Cool." He broke into a bunny-toothed smile. God, how I had missed that sweet smile.

"What do you have in mind?"

He reached for his back pocket and took out a worn piece of paper. "I was thinking about making these bindrunes... 'cause I'm Scandinavian, you know."

"That's cool. Where do you plan on having them?"

"On my ribs."

I lifted my eyes from the paper. "Is this your first time?"


"Well, it's a tough place to begin. Are you sure?"

"I don't want it to be too exposed, so yeah. I gave this much thought and... I trust you."

"Okay then. Let me just refine this and we can get started. You can wait here."

I went past him to close the front door and was about to go work on a stencil when I heard him call my name.



He ran a hand through his hair and sighed like he was coming to a resolution. "What's the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms?"

I gaped just for a second. We started laughing, and he seemed to relax. I felt this huge weight off of my shoulders, knowing it was all well, and I still had my best friend.


Thank you so much for reading this story. Hope you've enjoyed it.

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