21. Don't Judge A Book...

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The grand hall looked like a giant nightclub, bathed in black light. Fire swallowers stood on tall platforms, and acrobats hung from the tall ceiling. A DJ played some aggressive electronic music (which I recognized as Combichrist) and a huge bar buzzed with activity at the far end.

I snagged myself a drink from a passing waiter and downed it in one single motion, before putting it back on the tray. Whatever it was, it hit the spot.

The place was packed. I was sure Ethan couldn't possibly know all those people. It was impossible to find my friends like this, so I decided to just dance and drink until I stumbled upon someone. It took me nearly ten shots of tequila for that to happen.

"Where the hell have you been?" Lena yelled under the blasting music.

"I'm here for like an hour!" I said. "Who are these people?"

"I have no idea!" Zoey said.

"Where are the others?"

"The guys are arm wrestling at the bar!"

"What about Kiara?"

"She's MIA! Probably on some hunk's arms!" Zoey looked at Lena to check if she was paying attention. "Speaking of hunk, Hendry has been looking for you!"

She flashed me an evil smile, showing the texts that he had sent her.

"Is he at the bar?" I asked and she nodded. "Okay, I'll talk to him!"

I headed to where Zoey had pointed, fought my way through the male crowd forming around the bar. Ethan popped into view, nearly crushing my ribs for the second time that weekend.

"Hey, sis! You look tidy! Did ya like the dress?" he asked.

"I loved it, thank you so much," I limited myself to say, thinking about the note he had left for me.

"That's my lass." He hugged me again.

I peeked behind his shoulder and caught eye of Ash making out with that cousin of Ethan at a far corner. He seemed to be okay with our plan, after all. Then why did I feel nauseated by seeing it? I closed my eyes and held Ethan a little tighter.

"Let's drink," he said. "I want to drink myself to oblivion before my bawbag of a father makes me stay in this godforsaken keep forever."

"Is everything okay between you two?"

"Ah! Old man wants me to stay after the party..." he explained with a dejected look. "To help manage our estate an' all, like my brother. No more acting, no more parties... An' no more Zoey."

"And you have no say in this?"

"Only way is being kicked outta the family... He threatened to disown me if I don't do what he says."

"Ethan, do you want to sit and talk about this?"

"Naw! Screw all this. Screw the old man. Let's enjoy the party while we can. I already know what I want anyway." He looked past me, and I followed his gaze to see Zoey standing behind us, an oblivious grin plastered on her beautiful features.

"Good for you man," I said against his ear.

"So, to what do I owe the honor of your presence in the lion den? Aside from the fact that you're a lion yourself."

I snorted. "I'm looking for Hendry"

"Hendry?" He gave me a devilish smile.


"Right there." He pointed.


"Have fun, sis." He winked.

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