15. Her Name Is Valentina

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I was sitting on the floor, my drawings scattered all over the bedroom. Lucas had insisted that there was a limit for the mess in an artist's life and that I had crossed it a long time ago with my sketch folder, so I was organizing it.

Ash's stuff was all over the place, because of the moving - I was wearing one of his old t-shirts because the one I used for sleeping was now covered in my fluids.

Ash knocked and poked his head inside. "Hey, you busy?"

"Sort of," I said.

"What are you up to?"

"Lucas gave me this big lecture on organization today, so I'm tidying up these sketches."

"I came to talk to you about something, but... do you need help?" He came in, wearing a grey t-shirt and navy blue shorts. He seemed ready to hop on the bed.

I took my mind off the gutter. "Yes, please. I could use some outside perspective."

"Alright." He sat beside me.

"I hope you don't mind. I borrowed an old tee from you." I tugged the ridiculously over-sized piece of clothing.

"It's okay. I think we're past that and besides... You look hot in my shirt."

"Thanks... So... Did you have fun last night?"

"Eh... It was okay. I came back kind of early, but you were asleep."

I mentally celebrated. "Did you carry me to the bed last night?"

"Yeah, you didn't look very comfortable on the couch. I was a little drunk. I hope I didn't hurt you in the process."

"No, I didn't even notice until this morning..."

"Good... I like this one." He picked up a very detailed but unpolished sketch of an eye. It seemed disturbed and tears were threatening to come down.

"I was gonna call it Truth. You know, cause the truth hurts."

"Oh, then definitely keep this one." He put the drawing on the pile to keep and got another one. "Hey, what's this?"

"Nothing." I snapped it away before he had the chance to examine it.

"Is it me?"


"Yes, it is!"

I stretched my arm, but he came at me and we hit the floor. My body ignited at how he used his weight to pin me down, and I felt feverish. Ash looked at me, breathing hard, the tip of his nose lightly brushing mine. He looked up and reached out, getting the drawing back from my hesitant hands. He got off of me, leaving an abyss between us. I got up slowly, deficient, wondering why he didn't advance. It was clear he wanted this. Right?

"You drew me," he said.

"You weren't supposed to see this."

"It's awesome."

"You know what-- Wait. You're not teasing me?"

"No. This is so accurate... You even got my teeth right."

"Yeah, you've got some weird teeth, bunny-smile."

He wiggled his nose like an actual bunny. "It's part of my charm."

"You were very interesting to draw."

"Oh yeah? Why?"

"You have this strong jaw and the bone structure, but you have the cutest face I've ever seen."

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