33. Reverting

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After Ash's little tantrum, I chose not to answer his calls for a couple of days... And he called non stop. The girls said I should be patient with him. That I was his first girlfriend ever, so he was clueless. Yeah, he was clueless alright.

It wasn't even the jealousy that annoyed me the most. It was the fact that he so easily assumed I would cheat on him, just because I had been so sexually active in the past. If it really worked that way, I should be even more paranoid than him, which I wasn't.

"Keep your head up," he said as we rehearsed a fight scene.

I didn't say anything, just kept focused on my movements... And tried to ignore how hot he looked on his workout clothes, all sweat and veins.

"Still ignoring me, huh?"

For some reason, I started seeing red. In my annoyance, I completely ignored the choreography and started hitting him with all my force. He blocked every stroke of my training sword, being pushed behind by my fierce determination. Screaming, I vented off all my frustration, giving him one last push with my prop shield.

"Oh, so this is how it's going to be?" He dropped his props on the ground, coming at me.

He grasped my wrists, making me drop my fake weapons too, then pulled me against his rock-hard chest. I struggled to break free until one of my wrists slipped out of his hand. In my frantic state, I ended up slapping him in the face.

For a fraction of second, he looked like he was going to kill me, so I was very confused when our mouths clashed together. Ash held the back of my head, fucking my mouth with his tongue. His other hand ran down my back to pull my hip against his. I held onto him for my life and forgot we were surrounded by people.

We pulled apart, panting. I looked around, but most of our coworkers were too focused on their own training, and the trainer himself was busy paying too much attention to one specific D-cup student. Ash and I slowly inched away from each other.

"Talk to me, please," he said. "I already said I'm sorry."

"I don't want your stupid apology!" I snapped. "I want the Ash I know back."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're changing."

"I'm still the same, skat. I just don't know how else to deal with this."

"No shit."

"You know this is by far the longest I've ever been with anyone."

I regarded him for a silent moment.

"Please, forgive me," he said when I didn't talk. "Look, I'm new to this. I'm just afraid I'll lose you."

"Then you have to chill."

"I know. Let me make it up to you." He came closer. "We'll go out this weekend, and I'll fuck you so good you're gonna forget all about this."

"Shit. I love it when you talk dirty... That's a low blow, Ash."

"Then I'll keep doing it until you say yes." He whispered in my ear, pressing our bodies together. "Come on, babe. Feel this cock? It really misses you. I'm gonna shove it so hard inside you, you won't even know in which planet you are."

I just mumbled, forgetting all the words.

"What was that?"



"We can go out."

"That's my girl." He pecked my lips. "Now let's get back to work before you come in front of everyone."

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