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Ash's jaw dropped. "You're kidding me."

"Ffiona's a child! She's seventeen!" Hendry grabbed him by the collar.

Ash slapped his hand out of the way. I came up as quick as a lightning and stood between the two of them, trying to calm them down amidst the screaming.

"Stop being such a hypocrite!" Ffiona said. "You brought a girl here for what? Braiding her hair?"

"Am an adult, you hold your weesht..."

The siblings went on arguing, with the occasional accusations at Ash. I pushed him out of the room before that shit escalated to a physical fight.

"I didn't know she was a teen!" he screamed. "Fuck you!"

"Ash! Ash! Calm down. It's over!" I held his face so he would look at me and focus. "Let's go, it's over."

We turned to leave and met Ethan and Zoey on their way to the very room we had just left.

"Heeey! Did ya guys check out the bathing room?" Ethan halted in front of us, his drunk eyes wide. "It's pure barry! I was about to show it to Zoey... Oh, Hang on just a second. Did you check it out?"

"No... I mean yeah." I said. Zoey brought a hand to her mouth. "Calm down, TMZ. Nothing happened."

"By the way, you do not want to go in there." Ash pointed over his shoulder. "Hendry and Ffiona are having the fight of the century."

"Aw shit... What happened?"

Ash and I just exchanged a hesitant look.

Did you two cause this?"

We shook our heads at the same time.

"Ya know what? I don't even want to know." He turned to Zoey. "Come on, love. I know tons o' cool places in this castle where we can have fun..."

They left giggling, disappearing into some dark corner of the stone halls. Ash and I resumed our walk.

"Can you believe that guy?" he said. "How was I supposed to know Fee was his sister... and a teenager? She could've fooled me!"

"Enough, okay? I don't want to know."

I looked away. I was starting to sober up and it pissed me off. Ash didn't talk anymore, and I didn't dare look to see his reaction. When we reached the grand hall, I was surprised to realize the party was still full on, but I kept walking.

"Where are you going? Let's go back to the party," Ash said.

"I'm calling it a night. Have fun at the party."

"What? You're gonna hit the bed so soon?" He came after me. "It's only two in the morning!"

"Good night, Ashley."

"Wait! At least let me walk you to your room."

"No, I'm fine. Go have fun."

"Val, come on. I'm sorry." He stood in front of me, eyes begging for forgiveness like he had been caught cheating or something. "Please, don't hate me. I can't have that."

I sighed. "I don't hate you."

"You're mad at me. You called me Ashley."

"No... Let's just go. I'm tired."

We started walking again.

"I'm sorry I ruined your night," he said.

"It's okay."

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