32. The Ex Mess

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"Holy shit! You're really back!" I yelled.

Misha and I crashed in a longing hug. We were finally back in Ireland to shoot another season, and we were about to begin a read through. I knew how important this would be to Lena, so yes, I was pretty happy that they had brought his character back.

"Hell yeah! Can you believe it?" he asked in pure excitement. "I never thought I'd be back to the show after I got my ass kicked by Ash and Noah!"

"Why are you two so excited about this reunion?" Kiara asked.

"Girl, didn't you read the script?" Misha asked her.

"You know I don't like to read more than necessary, as I happen to be a fan of this show. I don't want any spoilers."

"Aw, you still doing that, kiddo?" Noah said. "You're ruining all the fun of being behind the scenes: knowing everything before everyone."

They engaged in a brief argument on the subject until Noah gave up and answered her previous question. "Anyway, they made Misha's character into a relative--"

"Don't say anything else!" Kiara brought both hands to her ears.

"I give up." Noah raised his hands in annoyance.

Ash came in, beaming at me, and I sprinted to hug him. He swooped me off my feet, and I braced him with my legs. We kissed deeply for a good twenty seconds until our friends started to woo and tease us.

"Shut up! I missed him, okay?" I said.

"You really okay with people seeing us?" he put me back down.

"Yes. And these are our friends and coworkers. I'd have to be pretty dumb to still try and hide it from them."

"Does that mean I can take you out tonight?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Baby steps, Ash... Baby steps. Dublin is much bigger than Bondi."

"Come on! I can't take my girlfriend out? Let me treat you to something nice. It's just an innocent night out!"

I looked up at him, and my eyes were met with the most dangerous combination I've seen from him so far: it was a mix of his dangerous puppy eyes with the sweetest joy, the one you find in the eyes of a kid that's about to go to a carnival or something.

"I don't know, Ash... I don't feel comfortable with it. Besides, every year we hang out with the guys to celebrate a new season."

"Okay, what if I take you to the movies after that? I know how much you love going, and it's dark and secluded." He bit his lip.

"Fine, but after that, you're taking me back."

"Yes! Where are you staying, by the way?"

"With a friend. I don't have to pay a ridiculous rent all by myself just because I'm being much better paid this season."

"About time... You work as hard as anyone."

"Right? And the best part is that I won't have to struggle like before. I'll even be able to pay you back for--"

"Shhh... No money talk with me. I told you."

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