1. Beat It

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⚠ WARNING: This story contains graphic depictions of sexuality, strong language and hints of drug use. Reader's discretion is advised.


I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, under Aedan's searing gaze. The air was so dense I could probably choke on it. I just gave him time to process what I had told him. I patiently waited through that awkward staring contest. Well, he was staring at me, a puzzled look under his frown, as if I was some art piece he couldn't understand. I avoided his eyes at all cost. At the moment, the tiles on his kitchen floor seemed far more interesting.

"Valentina." He snapped his fingers, taking me from my reverie.


"So you're breaking up with me?"

"Yes." I looked down again.

"Is there someone else?"

I snorted, and he gave me a hurt look. "No! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... No. There's no one else. God, no!"

"Then why...?"

"Look, Aedan. I have to be honest with you because I really like you..."

Aedan was the one to snort now, but it was true. I did like him. There was nothing not to like about him, from the strawberry blond hair to the countless tattoos, and the calloused mechanic hands. He was confident, great personality, great sex. Great guy. But then, all of them are great at the beginning. I wasn't gonna wait around for him to become a jerk.

I took a deep breath and looked at my... I wanna say boyfriend, but that's not what he was. He wasn't just a hook-up either. That's why I was breaking up with him: he wanted more. If only we could keep things the way they were. But Aedan had said it himself: there's only so long you can fool around without getting serious, Val.

I know it's a cheap shot to dump the guy right when he opened his heart to me, but there wouldn't be a right time. Not when he would settle and feel safe. That would be lower of me, to pull the rug from under him when he felt the safest. No, it had to be now. The sooner you break up, the smaller the mess, and I had waited long enough.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I just don't wanna date you anymore."

Blunt and painful. There was no other way. I hated break-ups; I felt like shit. At least he didn't make a scene. He just seemed frustrated, and even disappointed, but there was no screaming, no drama, no endless attempts to avoid the inevitable. Those were the hardest part. Dating an older guy came with that advantage though. I guess he wanted me out of the house as quickly as possible. I could relate.

He just shook his head at me and said, "You gotta stop sabotaging your own happiness, lass... Or you'll end up alone."

I lamely shook my head and let him see me to the door. I stepped outside and sighed, feeling lighter instead of heavier. I'm no monster. Of course, I was upset, and I would miss Aedan for real. Just because I didn't want a relationship, it didn't mean I didn't like the guy. In fact, as I wandered down the street, I realized I already missed him. His low voice, his throaty laugh, his strong hands gripping my flesh, and the faint stubble grazing my skin. Damn, I actually liked this one. I liked him.

What have I done?

No, it had to be done. I couldn't let myself feel that way again. That was a mistake I couldn't make. I had done the right thing. The relief I was feeling after stepping out of his house  reassured me of that.

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