26. It Is Tradition

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"I know the birthday is yours, but I wanted to see the city. Can we do that?" Ash asked during breakfast the next morning.

"Of course! I'd love to show you around." I smiled. "What do you want to see?"

"I don't know... Just take me to your favorite places."

"Cool." I got up to wash my plate. "Let's put some knowledge on Verona inside that empty head. Maybe you'll stop mixing it up with Sicília."

"He did what?" Lia asked.

"Come on! You know I'm just teasing." He came to my side. "I know Verona is not Sicily."

"You guys wanna come?" I offered Lia and Matteo. "It should be fun."

They exchanged a look before he answered. "Uh... We can't. We have that... thing, Right, Lia? With Aria."

", that thing..." She snapped her fingers. "I just remembered."

I turned on my heel to face them with a deadly expression. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing, we just wanna give you two some space," Lia answered.

Ash kept looking back and forth at us as we argued in our native language.

"You should have some time alone with your boyfriend... Especially on your birthday," Matteo said.

"I told you he is not my boyfriend," I harshly said.

"Hey! There's that word again! Fidanzato! What are you guys saying?" Ash asked, a confused look plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry, we're being rude." I turned to him. "Go ahead and change, I'll be ready in a second. I just need to cut off my big brother's tongue."

Ash threw me a weird look before obliging. He raised his hands on his way out, mumbling something in Danish to get back at us.

"You were saying?" Matteo raised an incredulous brow.

"Knock that shit off," I went on. "He's just my friend."

"With benefits," Lia added.

"That hardly means anything. Why is everyone so desperate to see me date this guy?"

"I can't speak for everybody else, but you seem so annoyingly happy around him. And I want to see you happy for a change."

"What are you talking about? I am happy."

"No, you're not. Not since Vini."

"Look, I don't care if we're cute together," I quickly changed subjects. "I don't want a relationship, okay?"

"Oh, honey. But you already are in one," Lia said. "Seeing you two together makes that crystal clear"

"The only thing that's keeping you from being boyfriend and girlfriend is your acknowledgment," Matteo said. "'Cause you're pretty much there."

"Stop saying that!" I demanded, startling Aria.

After apologizing to her and kissing her little forehead, I left to change and take Ash out.

"Where are we headed first?" He rubbed his hands together.

"To Piazza Brà."

"Pizza what?"

"Pia-zza." I laughed. "It's a square. I used to go there when I was younger to observe all the passersby."

"Why would you do that?"

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