Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

       When there was a knock on the door, I was really hoping it was Alistair with more food. I was very much disappointed when I opened the door and did not see my older brother standing there.

       However, I was very curious as to why Junior was standing there with a few suitcases.

       "I take it you got the email we sent you?" I asked.

       "Yeah," Junior said. "Which is why I'm here."

       "And the suitcases....?"

      Junior sighed, and I let him into the penthouse so he could explain more. I brought one of the suitcases in for him, then closed the door behind me. "I dropped out of university," he said. "It''s not for me. I was doing horrible, no matter how hard I tried. I was trying my best to focus in class, but I couldn't because of how uninterested I was."

       "So....You're hoping you could move in again?" I asked.

       "Yeah...." Junior said. "If it wouldn't be too much to ask."

       I chuckled. "Of course you could move back in. It felt really lonely being in this penthouse with just two people and a dog. Of course, Aviva and I have to limit the things we do now."

       "Gross," Junior said. "I really didn't want to hear that."

       I just shrugged before Aviva suddenly said, "Junior!" before rushing over and giving Major Vocal's ex-keyboardist a hug. "How's school going?"

      "Oh, so great," Junior said sarcastically. "Yeah, it was so fantastic, I just had to drop out."

      "Really?" Aviva asked.

       "Yeah," Junior said. "It wasn't for me and most of the time, my mind was just on music the whole time. I....I'm really missing the band, and now I definitely don't think it was for the best breaking up. I feel so miserable not writing songs, and performing them, and going on talkshows, and making our fans smile."

       "So do I," Aviva said. "I've been missing it since we sang that last song."

       "Have Ricky and Otis replied about the MTAs?" Junior asked.

       I sighed. "Nope. And I really think they're not going to reply. They were really adamant about quitting the band, and I doubt they would change their mind because we forgot to cancel our performance at the MTAs."

       "So, what are we going to do?" Junior asked.

       "Exactly what Malachi told me when we got the email," Aviva said. "Perform. Major Vocal is performing whether it be with all the members or some. We're just going to have to figure out how to perform one of our songs with just the three of us."

       "Easy," I said. "We go acoustic."

       "Will that work?" Junior asked.

      "Uh, yeah," I said. "You play the keyboard, I play acoustic guitar, and Aviva sings with that beautiful voice of hers."

       "You know, I'm kind of tempted to go back to school just so I won't feel like the third-wheel," Junior said.

      "Just ignore him," Aviva said. "I think acoustic will work."

      "Okay, let's do it," Junior said. "And if Otis or Ricky show up, we can go back to the regular way the song we choose is played, and I'll just fill in for what has to."

      "When," I said. "They're not going to show up when the MTAs is three days away and they haven't contact us at all."

       "You could at least have some faith in them," Junior said.

       "Sorry, but I have none," I said. "Aviva and I have both been trying to contact them. We text, call, and send emails, but they never reply."

       Junior sighed. "Yeah, they do that to me too. Ricky answered for the first two weeks after the band broke up, but then he stopped."

       "I have no idea what's up with them," Aviva said. "They're seen all the time, but they don't bother trying to contact us, or try to reply to us. I just don't get it. What the band broke up over was the smallest thing ever. Yeah, we were keeping secrets from each other, but it was so the band wouldn't argue even more."

       "I know," Junior said. "And I feel like it's my fault. If I hadn't slipped up about Phoebe...."

       "Then Otis would have found another way to leave the band," Aviva said. "I love him and everything...." I cleared my throat and she rolled her eyes. "As a friend, you dummy. Anyway, Otis was basically mind-controlled. There was going to be one thing he didn't like, and that would have set him off. It's not your fault Otis and Ricky left, Junior."

       "It still feels like it," Junior said.

       "Well, it's not," I said. "Aviva and I could have pretended we didn't know so Otis wouldn't have gotten mad about us keeping secrets. If it's anyone's fault, it's ours, but it's not. It was their fault they left."

       "Yeah, they should have handled things a different way," Aviva said. "Anyway, we should just forget about them like they forgot about us and decide what song to perform."

       "Well, that took a dark turn," I said.

       "Can you blame me?" Aviva asked. "They did forget about us, so we should do the same thing and not worry about them. We tried to stay in contact, they didn't. So, seriously, we should decide what song we should do."

       We went through all our songs, and Aviva was the one to chose. Junior and I let her since she was the singer of the band and would have to be up to actually feeling the lyrics. She liked feeling the lyrics instead of just singing them.

       The song she ended up choosing I knew she was going to have a lot of emotion with. The lyrics could be interpreted many ways and I knew she was going to use her feelings about the band breaking up and missing it for the song. I didn't blame her. The more days that passed, the more I was starting to miss it myself.

       I knew we were never getting back together, though. If Otis and Ricky weren't even going to perform at the MTAs with us, what would make them want to perform anywhere else?

       Major Vocal was over and never coming back.



And to celebrate, I shall insert a random gif BECAUSE I LOVE ME MY GIFS:

And to celebrate, I shall insert a random gif BECAUSE I LOVE ME MY GIFS:

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Such a cutie. <3 He'll need all the love he can get in this book.

I mean.... whaaaaaaaat?????

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