Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

       "I can't believe you did this," Agatha said. "It is not your job to get gigs! That's my job and you can't be constantly overstepping what I do. If you wanted a gig at the Christmas charity concert, you should have told me and I would have gotten you it."

       "Would you really?" I asked. "I mean, you have been trying for the past two years and failed both times. I'm pretty sure we had a better chance of getting the gig than you. Same with the talk show that you just weren't able to get us on."

       Agatha was fuming now and it was so enjoyable. After making my life so miserable, it felt good to finally be able to do the same thing to her.

       Only worse.

       Agatha took a deep breath to try to calm herself down. "I've been calm as much as I can recently but I think it's time."

       Time for what? For her to quit?

       A guy could only dream.

       "For what, exactly?" Aviva asked.

       Agatha didn't reply. She just set her briefcase down on the kitchen table before opening it and taking out some paper. She then handed it to me, and I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked down. "What's this?" I asked.

       "Maybe if you do this thing called reading, you'll find out," Agatha said.

       Otis got up from the seat he was on and walked over, taking it out of my hands so he could read it because he was more of the legal-type person. After a quick read through, he looked at Agatha. "Are you being serious?" he asked.

       "Deadly," Agatha said. "If Malachi thinks he can do better than me at my job, then let's see how good you all do without me?"

       "Wait, please tell me you're saying what I think you're saying," I said. 

       "She is," Otis said. "This is to release her as our manager."

       I didn't even think we were close to making Agatha snap and want to quit but apparently, we were.

       I wanted to bring out the champagne. Even though Junior couldn't drink. But I would celebrate enough for him so I should still bring out the champagne.

       "Look over it, sign it, and bring it back to me when you do so," Agatha said. "I would like to see how well you do without me." And just like that, she left.

       I immediately went to the kitchen and got out a bottle of champagne. "Anyone wanna celebrate?"

       "This can't be too easy," Junior said. "There has to be some kind of catch. There's no way she would quit just like that when all we did was get on a talk show and a gig."

       "So far, this actually seems legit," Otis said, reading the paper over. "I'll get my mom's best friend to look over it just in case. Oh, wait..." He read over one part before looking at us. "We have to give her two thousand dollars."

       "Then we'll do it," I said. "That's... I don't know, I'm too hungry to do the math. Junior?"

       "Four hundred dollars each," Junior said. "That's not bad. I'd definitely pay that to get rid of her."

       "I'd pay more than that if I have to," I said as there was a knock on the door, so I walked over to answer it. "So of any of you can't, just let me know and I'll gladly pay your share." I opened the door, seeing my older brother standing there, "Aye, Alistair, perfect timing! Care for some champagne to celebrate?"

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