Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

       As much as I didn't really like waking up too early, unless I was getting something to eat, but today was definitely an exception. We were really going to start messing with Agatha's mind and since Aviva called in her place to reschedule our studio time from nine to eight, our manager was going to look quite unprofessional.

       Even though she already was by forcing me to date someone for publicity.

       And sometimes wouldn't let us interact with our fans.

       And breathed.

       We had to leave our penthouse quite early so we wouldn't still be there when Agatha would arrive to tell us to get ready. And since we had a lot of time to kill before we had to go to the studio, we went to a drive-through to get some breakfast.

       "Did you have to order so much food?" Ricky asked me while the car was parked for us to eat. Or me to devour.

       "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I also ordered a glass of your opinion," I said. "Leave me alone and let me live my life. Eating this delicious food."

       "Yeah, Ricky, when are you going to learn not to judge Malachi's eating habits?" Junior asked.

       "Thank you, Junior," I said. "At least someone lets me enjoy my food in peace."

       When were people going to learn that it was never a good idea to judge what I was eating? Or tell me not to eat so much? Or that eating three cans of Pringles per day 'wasn't healthy'?

       People were so judgmental these days.

       After we were done eating, with me finishing before everyone else even though I had the most food, we headed off to the recording studio to start playing mind games with Agatha. And to record a song, but mostly to play mind games with Agatha.

       And I was glad to say that Agatha didn't even show up unitl the original time. He made sure we all kept our cell phones on silent so if she did try calling us, we couldn't answer. Not that we would if we didn't have our phones on silent, but at least we would have a good enough excuse.

       That, and we should keep our cell phones on silent in the studio so nobody interrupted us.

       When Agatha showed up, I was about to record my guitar solo of the song. I was even already in the booth, but Agatha said something to the song producer, so he got up and left the room. She probably wanted to talk to us alone about her incompetence.

       That we caused.

       Once the door closed behind the song producer, Agatha gestured for me to walk out of the booth. As soon as I did, she said. "Alright. Would someone please explain to me why you're all here so early? And why nobody answered their phones?"

       "What are you talking about?" Otis asked since Agatha always believed him the most, so it was best for him to answer her. "We were only five minutes early, and of course we had to keep our cell phones off. We're recording our song. You're the one who never showed up to our home ten minutes before we had to leave like you said you were."

       "I was there," Agatha said. "You five weren't there."

       "Uh, we were," Ricky said. "We even waited an extra five minutes before leaving at seven-thirty."

       "Seven-thirty?" Agatha asked. "What?"

       "Yeah, seven-thirty," Ricky said. "We were scheduled at eight so really, we should be asking you why you're here so late."

       "Eight?" Agatha asked. "No no, you were scheduled here at nine. Nine o'clock. Not eight." She reached into her bag and pulled out her planner, opening up today's date. "Right here. It says nine."

       "Okay, but on my phone's calendar it says eight," I said. "And it said eight on our calendar at home. And I'm pretty sure everyone else's phone says eight."

       Agatha was starting to fume and it was so funny. I was trying my hardest not to laugh, but that was really difficult.

       I loved seeing her mad.

       Agatha took a deep breath to prevent her from getting even more angry. Unfortunately. "I know for a fact that I scheduled you here at nine. Not eight. Nine. And I never make a mistake."

       I snorted. "Okay."

       Agatha glared at me. "I don't suppose you have anything to do with the sudden change?"

       "Oh, definitely," I said sarcastically. "Seriously, Agatha, everybody can make a mistake once in a while because we know for a fact that it has always been eight o'clock. When you scheduled, you told us it was at eight. And do we really have to argue about this right now? We have a song to record and you, our manager, are interrupting us."

       "Fine, whatever," Agatha said. "I'll get the song producer."

       After she left the room to get the record producer, I couldn't help but smile. "And that's how you mess with her mind," I said. "I can't wait to do it even more."

       "Which you of all people know how to do," Otis said. "Seriously, do whatever it takes to get her angry. If we can't find a way out of the contract, we're going to need her to quit."

       "That's going to be very difficult," Aviva said. "Malachi has been annoying her for years but she hasn't quit yet. I don't know what it's going to take for her to finally do so."

       "Hey, whatever it takes, I'm doing it," I said. "I can even ask my brother on some tips on how to make her mess up or get her mad even more. He'll definitely know stuff that I won't even think about."


oof sorry for the long wait

but today i listened to a song from the vamps and was like "awe malachi" so i update lol


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