Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

       Today was the day where I had to start that stupid publicity stunt with Chelsea. We weren't going to come out right away and say we were 'dating'. Since we both lived in Vancouver, our managers thought it would be best if we just walked around there for a while so we would be spotted together.

       Afterwards, she was going to go to attend Major Vocal's upcoming gig next week, so that will get the media to start talking about it.

       And I was not looking forward to it.

       I never met Chelsea before, and I didn't have anything against here right now, but I was not enjoying the fact that I had to pretend I was dating someone when I had to hide my relationship with the girl I was actually in love with.

       "How do I look?" I asked Aviva as I looked in the mirror.

       "Handsome, as always," Aviva said. "You know I hate this as much as you, right? Maybe even more. I'm going to have to watch my boyfriend get all romantic with another girl."

       I sighed. "I know. And I'm really going to hate having to pretend to like someone that isn't you."

       "But we're doing it for the sake of the band," Aviva said. "Agatha is only going to tear us apart again, so we have to go along with everything she says until we can get out of the contract. Just....promise this publicity stunt won't come between us."

       I looked over at Aviva sitting on my bed before walking over, taking her hands in mine. "Nothing can ever come between us," I said before giving her a soft kiss. "Now I have to go down to the lobby and most likely die."

       Aviva laughed slightly. "You're not going to die. And at least who you're getting paired up with is one of the positive role model celebrities. I mean, I never met Chelsea so it could be an image, but I've heard nothing but good things about her. But that make me hate her just because she's nice, and you'll be giving her attention."

       "Don't be jealous," I said. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm probably going to be thinking about you the whole time."

       "That does make me feel a tiny bit better," Aviva said. "Now go, before Agatha gets mad at you for being late and makes yet another stupid rule."

       "Which I don't doubt at all," I said, giving Aviva one last kiss before heading out of the penthouse and down to the lobby where Agatha, Chelsea, and her manager were waiting.

       "Took you long enough," Agatha said. "I told you to be here five minutes ago."

       "Oh, boo hoo, it's just five minutes," I said. "And it's not like we're scheduled to go anywhere. We'll just be walking around the city."

       Agatha looked over at Chelsea's manager. "I'm sorry about him. He has quite the attitude."

       "You know I can hear you, right?" I asked.

       Agatha ignored me. "You two go and have fun, but don't come back too fast. If someone takes pictures of you, that will be a huge bonus. Oh, but if they ask if you two are dating, don't comment. That will be too out of the blue and less believable."

       "Noted," I said before walking out of the building.

       Chelsea quickly followed and caught up to me before we started walking down the sidewalk. "If it makes you feel better, I think the publicity stunt is pretty stupid too, and I also didn't get a say in it. Just don't take it out on me."

       "Trust me, if I'm going to take it out on anyone, it's going to be Agatha," I said.

       "Why is she even your manager if you clearly don't like her?" Chelsea asked. "Or is it the rest of the band that likes her?"

       "No, we all can't stand her," I said. "Unfortunately for us, she was smart with her contract. No firing, and even though the band broke up, she's still our manager until the contract expires. And now, I have to do whatever she says since I was the rebellious one because she's holding something against me."

       "What? If you don't mind me asking."

       I sighed. "Let's just say my band is pretty stupid. We didn't read over her contract thoroughly. We just went over the parts we thought was important, and we ended up missing up very crucial information. She controls our pay."

       "So if you don't do what she wants, she'll cut it?" Chelsea asked and I nodded. "Wow, what a horrible manager. I would say no offense, but I'm sure you'd agree with me."

       "One hundred percent," I said.

       "And I thought my manager was bad," Chelsea said. "She's nice and everything, but she adds too much to my workload at times, and she doesn't give me a choice for some of it, like this stunt. I kept telling her I was probably going to receive a lot of backlash from Avivachi shippers, but she didn't listen."

       "Oh, wow, I didn't even think of that," I said. "Yeah, they can be crazy at times. I hope you won't receive any backlash. Or much backlash because even a tiny bit is probably inevitable."

       "Well, all of this could have been avoided if you and Aviva told everyone that you're dating," Chelsea said.

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

       "Oh, come on, it's obvious that everything you say about Aviva isn't just to make your fans happy," Chelsea said. "It's clear you two are dating. So why haven't you told everybody? You want good publicity? That would be it."

      "Yeah, well, Agatha doesn't know we're dating," I said. "She created a rule that nobody in that band can date each other. Otis and Ricky doesn't even know."

       "Why would she create that rule?" Chelsea asked. "Majority of your fans are Avivachi shippers. Hearing that you two are dating will create so much positive publicity."

       "Try telling Agatha that," I said. "She doesn't like listening, to me specifically. So, I am stuck in this publicity deal. I mean, no offense to you."

       "Hey, none taken," Chelsea said. "I would be mad too if I was forced to do this while I had a boyfriend. Did Agatha even consider anyone else in the band to do the deal, or was it just you?"

       "Just me," I said. "Probably to keep me and Aviva away from each other so we won't start dating. Ricky even offered to do the deal, but Agatha refused."

      "Ricky?" Chelsea said, a small smile on her face. "Interesting."

       "No," I said. "Trust me, you don't want to go there."

       "Too late, I'm already there."


I wonder if anyone thought Chelsea would be a stuck up celebrity. cx Lol, she's actually really sweet. <3

btw, Otis might not find a way out of the contract before Jerlan gets to Agatha. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Or you readers. OOPS.

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