Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

       Things had never been better since Alistair became our manager, and it had been even better now that Agatha was Worn Diversion's manager. We should be worried since Worn Diversion were our enemies and Agatha did know a lot about Major Vocal that she could easily tell Worn Diversion, but at least we knew she wouldn't come up with some scheme to become our manager again.

       We definitely didn't need her anymore. Alistair had already done so much more, plus he wasn't so invested in our personal lives. He didn't care about our relationships, or family life, or anything else.

       Well, he did care, but not in the way where he had to have complete control over it.

       Which was perfect right now for Ricky.

       He had to keep such a huge secret from us because of Agatha and had to sneak around more times than we realized. At least now, he was able to talk to Lee's mom on the phone with us around and even have Lee over at our house.

       But for some reason, Lee's mom wasn't so happy with Lee spending a lot more time with Ricky, but she couldn't say no to Lee. He wanted to spend time with his dad and got really upset if she declined.

       Lee was over at the house now but wasn't really spending time with his dad since Ricky was too busy arguing with Lee's mom on the phone.

       Which happened a lot.

       Lee was oblivious to the arguing though, so I guess that's a good thing. He was too focused playing with Duke to notice Ricky's loud talking no matter how many times we were telling him to at least take it to his bedroom so Lee couldn't here.

       I was sitting on the floor beside Lee to keep an eye on Duke, even though I had nothing to worry about. Duke was amazing with children and was the world's best dog. Totally not because he was my and Aviva's dog.

       "I don't care, Jen," Ricky was saying into the phone. "He's my son. I never wanted to neglect him, you know that. It's not my fault I went on a world tour and didn't have the time to see him... What, so being part of a band suddenly makes me a bad father? I tried calling so many times so I could at least talk to him but you were the one who wasn't answering... Well, there's this thing called video chat. I don't have to see him in person to keep a relationship with him."

       "Tell her I was in a long distance relationship on tour and we're still fine," Junior spoke up. 

       "Junior was in a long distance relationship when we were on tour," Ricky repeated to Jen. "And guess what? They're still together. Want to know how they made things work? By texting, calling video chatting... It's the same thing! And the point is that I tried. You were the one not letting me talk to him... You know what? I'm done arguing with you. I'm trying, Jen. Why isn't that good enough?"

       He hung up before flopping down on the couch, looking quite annoyed. And it took a lot to get mad.

       "Hey, if it's any consolation, your ex sucks," Junior said.

       Ricky sighed. "She's not too bad. Just stubborn. She only wanted to save Lee from the pain of me neglecting him, even though I wasn't. She just wanted to be safe because of me going on tour and travelling a lot. At least she is giving me some chances to see Lee. Even if she doesn't like it."

       "She'll get used to it," I said. "Especially if Lee likes it here and is always asking to come. He's having a lot of fun playing with Duke. Lee is very cute, by the way."

       "Of course he is," Ricky said. "He is my son after all. Why wouldn't he be cute?"

       "And I regret that compliment," I said. "I want a baby now, though. Hey, Aviva..."

       "No," Aviva said. "Absolutely not. I'm not ready to have kids."

       "Well, that's a shame. Oh well. We have Duke at least and he's our little baby."

       There was a sudden knock on the door so I got up to answer it since I was closest to it. When I opened the door, I saw Chelsea standing there.

       "Why, hello, ex-girlfriend," I said before letting her inside. 

       "Wow, you're hilarious," Chelsea said. 

       "Thanks, I try," I said. "So what do we owe this pleasure? If you want to get back together, sorry. I'm taken."

       "Are you flirting with her?" Aviva asked.

       "Oh, totally," I said. "Nah, I'm just humouring Agatha forcing me to do that stupid publicity stunt and since she's no longer our manager, we can make fun of her all we want."

       "You made fun of her all the time even when she was our manager," Otis said.

       "Yes, but now I can do it without getting in trouble," I said before looking back at Chelsea. "So why the sudden visit?"

       "Well, I actually wanted to congratulate you because I heard Agatha is no longer your manager," she said. "Although I don't know why someone didn't tell me considering we used to text all the time. Key word being used."

       "Sorry," Ricky said. "I've been a bit busy lately."

       "Busy enough to not reply to me?" Chelsea said. "I'm hurt. I think I'll date Malachi again now."

       "Oh, wow, you're so nice," Ricky said. "Fine. I'll just date Aviva."

       "Why are Malachi and I put in the middle of this?" Aviva asked. "And why does it sound like you two are dating?"

       "Don't tell me that's true," Otis said. "Because then I'll be the only single one here."

       "Okay, but in my defense, Agatha was our manager so I couldn't really say anything," Ricky said.

       "So it's true?" Otis said. "Dang. I thought we were paste all the secrets."

       "Blame Agatha," I said. "I like blaming her."

       Lee got up from his spot on the floor before walking over to Ricky and holding out his arms. "Up, Daddy!"

       Ricky picked Lee up with a smile and sat him on his lap as Chelsea walked over. "Awe, this must be Lee," she said. "You're right, Ricky. He is a cutie."

       "Like I say to anyone who says that, of course he is," Ricky said. "He's my son."

       "Wait, so you told Chelsea but not us?" I asked. "Rude."

       "I had to," Ricky said. "She's my girlfriend. She should know that I have a son."

       "That's still rude."



woo i actually got an update

but it's 1 am and i should sleep because i have to wake up early (at like 9 lol) to pack up for my flight home :( i hate flying save me pls. it definitely won't help that im sick.

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