Chapter 21

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I'm listening to this song on repeat for this chapter (since it's aviva's cast singing) and it's July help me.

Chapter 21

       It was official. We were screwed. Ricky wasn't here and even though we rehearsed as much as we could, we just couldn't make it sound right. I just hope there would be a miracle and we would end up sounding extremely well.

       I doubt it.

       At least we were the very last performers and there were still two more performers ahead of us so we had a lot more time to panic. If that could be considered a good thing.

       Worn Diversion was backstage with us right now and I was still very much tempted to grab something and throw it at them. They were being so loud and obnoxious right now and it was giving me, and probably everyone else, a huge headache.

       "You know what I just realized?" Chad asked me. "That meathead drummer of yours isn't here, and you were the one at the drum kit yesterday. Isn't it kind of unprofessional and selfish to bail from a charity concert?"

       "You know what I just realized?" I asked. "You're an annoying pest and you should just mind your own business. Oh, wait. Who am I kidding? I already knew that."

        "And you know what I already know?" Chad asked. "How gorgeous that girlfriend of yours is."

       Like Alistair told me yesterday, he was only saying that to try and get a reaction out of me. It was only going to make him satisfied if I got mad at him so I chose to say, "She is gorgeous, isn't she? Too bad she kept turning you down every single time. Anyway, I could see your band is about to perform so good luck and try not to mess up. I know it must be hard performing before us because you'll have to set the bar really high."

       "Oh, I'm sure you'll be very surprised with our performance," Chad said.

        I snorted. "Sure I will. In the meantime, I'll just be standing backstage watching. With my girlfriend."

       Chad gave me a sarcastic smile before walking over to where the rest of his band and Agatha were. I flipped him off when he wasn't looking, though I should have done it when he was.

       Aviva walked over to me and gently grabbed my hand. "Do you really have to flip off every single person you don't like?" 

       "Only when they're annoying me," I said. "I don't like the rest of Worn Diversion, but I'm not flipping them off. Chad is really the only one willing to annoy me."

       "Well, I don't blame you but you might want to cut off on the flipping off," Aviva said. "Especially when there are a lot of other bands and performers backstage. You can at least try to be more professional."

       "I will if you give me a kiss on the cheek," I said, leaning towards her.

       "I can do better than that," Aviva said, turning me to face her before gently pressing her lips on mine. When she pulled away, she kissed my cheek as well and I couldn't help but smile. At times, I still couldn't believe that Aviva was actually my girlfriend. I had been hopelessly in love with her for years, but I never thought I'd ever get the chance.

       I guessed my endless amount of flirting worked.

       It was soon time for Worn Diversion to perform and once they did, it was official. We were even more screwed.

       They were actually performing the Christmas song we chose. 

       What little snakes.

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