Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

       Oddly enough, I was actually enjoying having the others back to living in the penthouse with us. Sure, Ricky could be very annoying at times, but before the band split up I was so used to the five of us living together.

       I was so glad the band was back together.

       The best part was that we were going to get a completely new manager and wouldn't have to deal with Agatha anymore.

       Unfortunately, Otis and Ricky weren't convinced that we should get my older brother to be our manager. I thought it was a great idea, and not only because he was my older brother, but he seemed to know a lot about the entertainment industry. He would know what was best for not only our images, but for us personally.

       Agatha only cared about our images, and that was not the type of manager we wanted again. We wanted one who would be a bit more loose, and wouldn't care as much for what we did. 

       "I don't know, Malachi," Otis said. "I mean, Alistair is a great guy and I have no doubt in what a great job he would do as our manager, but I would kind of feel weird about having one of our own family members as a manager."

       "For once, I'm agreeing with Otis," Ricky said. "The reason why things didn't work out with Agatha was because it seemed like she was playing favourites. She favoured some and was way too strict to others. And by some, I mean one person."

       Otis sighed. "Again, I'm sorry for all of that. It was completely unfair of her to favour me, and it was unfair of me to take her side when it was clear how horrible of a manager she was."

       "Otis, forget about it," Junior said. "Seriously. If any of us were in your position and was the favoured one, I'm pretty sure we would agree with anything Agatha said just to stay on her good side. That's just how things are."

       "Okay, but....Alistair as a manager?" I asked. "Yay or nay?"

       "I want to say yes, but I just don't know," Otis said. "We want a manager that's one hundred percent impartial, and having one of our family members as our manager might make one person feel favoured yet again."

        "Alistair? Favouring me?" I asked, then chuckled. "He is the most impartial and honest person I know. You can give him a trial run at least, and if you feel like he is favouring me or anyone, we can get a new manager. One chance, that's all I'm asking."

       Otis and Ricky looked at each other, and Ricky shrugged before Otis looked back at me. "Two weeks. That's all he has. If he's being impartial, we'll keep him. If not, we'll look for someone else."

       "Deal," I said. It was completely understandable for them to be wary of it. Agatha being biased as what tore the band apart in the first place and after getting back together, we did not want have something like that tear us apart again.

       I would have called Alistair now, but I knew he was currently at work. He seriously hated his job, and I knew he would be more than happy to accept the position of our manager. Not only would he be getting paid a lot more, but he wouldn't have to 'deal with stupid customers'.

       "Well, I am going to get some food to celebrate," I said.

       "Shouldn't you wait until you call him and for him to accept to celebrate?" Otis asked.

       "Uh, I can celebrate with food whenever I want," I said. "Don't tell me what to do."

       I headed to the kitchen and began scanning the cupboards for something to eat. We were still a bit low on food since the last time Alistair went to the store for us, it was only for me and Aviva. Now that we were all living here, we were running out quicker.

       At least we could head to the store and wouldn't have to worry about being hounded by the paparazzi too much. They still would if they saw us, but at least they wouldn't have had as much questions like they would had with us being split up.

       Aviva walked into the kitchen. "You know, I'm actually excited for Alistair to be our manager," she said. "You're right. He's an impartial and honest person, and there's no way he would be strict on us while going easy on you. If anything, he'd probably be more strict on you."

       "That's true," Malachi said. "But I know him being strict on me wouldn't be something stupid like forbidding a relationship. Mainly because he already know about us, and he thought it was stupid that Agatha said we weren't allowed to date anyone."

       "Speaking of," Aviva said. "I was thinking now that we were going to get a completely different manager, one that is the opposite of Agatha, we can tell the world about us. Well, first tell Otis and Ricky, but then the world."

       Aviva and I still hadn't told Otis and Ricky we were dating. It was a secret we were keeping while they left the band, and the whole reason they left was because we were keeping secrets.

       That, and they might now agree with it right away because there, honestly, was a bit of reasoning to Agatha's rule of me and Aviva not being allowed to date. I mean, she was way too strict about it, but the others may worry that if Aviva and I broke up, and had a nasty on, it would tear apart the bad.

       The band already tore apart once, and we did not want it to happen again.

       "That would be nice not having to hide it all the time," I said. "Especially in our own home now that they all moved back."

       "I know," Aviva said. "How about we tell Otis and Ricky, and see what they say about it and if they think we should tell the world?"

       "Yeah, okay," I said. "But can you be the one to tell them? They probably wouldn't believe me if I say it because, well, I joke about it way too much."

       Aviva smiled and chuckled. "Of course."

       The two of us headed back to the living room. "Uh, guys?" Aviva said. "I actually have something to tell you."

       "What is it?" Otis asked.

       Aviva was about to reply, but there was a knock on the door. "Hold on, I'll go answer it," I said.

       I walked over to the door and opened it, seeing the one person I didn't want to see ever again.

       "I'm back," Agatha said.



So I was playing a game for a long time with my brother and got off at 12:30 am (only because my dad got mad lol) so I am tired and want to go to bed. SO THIS IS A SHORT AUTHOR NOTE.


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