Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

       Major Vocal, excluding Aviva of course, was actually able to write a song in time for out next concert. I wrote all the lyrics since I needed it to be sincerely from me, so Aviva knew how I felt and how sorry I was, but the rest of the band members helped with the rest.

       I finally figured out exactly why Aviva was mad at me, and I should have known it all along. Her grandmother was sick, and I should have been there for Aviva. I should have tried even harder to get out of the stupid meetings and publicity stunts Agatha was making me go through.

       I was so relieved her grandmother was a lot better.

       We actually had another person help us with the writing. As it turned out, Chelsea knew how to play the guitar, so she was even going to help us perform the song. Normally, when Aviva got off the stage to rest her voice for a few songs, Junior would take over the guitar and I would sing. But for the song we wrote for Aviva, we thought it would sound a lot better with a piano, and I wanted to focus solely on singing, so we got Chelsea to help.

       It was Ricky's idea, of course. We just wanted to spend more time with her.

       The concert wasn't starting for another hour, but the doors had already opened. We were all in the green room right now, along with Cannon Venturi, Hunter Bolton, Zander Millington, and Zander's girlfriend Genesis. Cannon, Hunter, and Zander were the opening acts for us, and I was really loving having them in the green room with us. It was really entertaining.

       Cannon and Ricky got along really well, and I could see why. They were the teasers. Cannon loved teasing Hunter, and Ricky loved teasing everyone in the band, especially me. They even decided to team up and tease everyone in the green room.

       Except Aviva, of course, since she still looked a bit down. I still tried talking to her, but she kept on avoiding me.

       So I spent most of my time by the food table, eating everything on there. I always ate when I was upset. Or mad. Or nervous.

       Basically, I ate for any emotion I was feeling, positive or negative.

       Junior walked over to the table I was standing at, giving me a small smile. "Are you feeling nervous?" he asked.

       "For performing the song?" I asked. "I'm never nervous, but... I am worried about if she'll forgive me or not because honestly, I don't know what to do."

      "Well, if it were up to me, I say she will," Junior said. "This song is as good as the one you performed on the talk show, maybe even better. And this time, you'll be performing it at our concert, in front of our fans. It should mean a lot more."

       "Yeah, I hope so," I said.

       "So, what are you two gossiping about?" Cannon suddenly asked as he walked over to us. "And can I join in?"

       "It depends," I said. "Are you good at keeping secrets?"

       "I'd like to think so," Cannon said. "I kept it a secret for years that I was in love with my best friend, so that's something. Come on, I'd like to get in on this secret."

       "It's not much of a secret," I said. "Well, kind of. I'm going to be performing another song for my girlfriend in hope that she will actually forgive me this time. And my band will be helping. Except for Aviva, of course."

       Cannon raised an eyebrow. "Of course?" He then smiled after he realized exactly who my girlfriend was. "Oh, I see. I guess I was right to play Kiss the Girl for you too during HallowPalooza last year. Now if you'll excuse me, I shall go bug Hunter just so I stay distracted and don't accidentally blurt it out."

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