Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

       Agatha was pissed because of the 'stunt I pulled' at our concert. I didn't know why she was so against it. Ever since Aviva and I finally confirmed our relationship, it seemed like that was all that was being talked about. Agatha wanted us to have good publicity, and we were definitely getting it.

       I didn't see the big deal.

       A lot of our fans were so happy to find out that Aviva and I were dating. Avivachi shippers had always been majority of the fan base, so of course there was going to be a lot of talk about our band and for some reason, Agatha didn't want it to happen.

       She could suck it up, suck an egg, and deal with it.

       At least she hasn't said anything about it since the concert and while I wanted to enjoy that, I knew she was going to do something about it soon. Things were always too good to be true with Agatha was our manager.

       For the past couple days after the concert, we had been really busy with a lot of meetings, song writing, and even rehearsing for a concert that wasn't scheduled for another few months. We haven't had a free day for a long time but now, we finally had it.

       Or so we thought.

       We all already made plans today since it was our day off. Ricky was going to be spending time with his little brother since their parents had an important meeting, Junior was going to go spend the day at Phoebe's house, Otis was going to go visit his parents, and Aviva and I were going to stay at home and eat food.

       While I was eating breakfast in the kitchen, there was a knock on the front door, but I was too lazy to stand up so I just continued eating my breakfast.

       Ricky, who was on the couch, sighed and got up. "You need to stop putting food in front of everything else," he said.

       "Never," I said. "Food is life."

       Ricky walked to the front door and as soon as she opened it, Agatha walked inside. "Is everyone here?" she asked.

       I had a feeling she scheduled for us to do something even though it was our day off, so I was going to reply with a, "No," but Ricky answered her before me.

       By saying, "Yeah, why?"

       "Because we all have somewhere to be," Agatha said.

       "I knew it," I said. "I knew we weren't really going to get a day off."

       Agatha glared at me as Ricky said, "That's not fair. We already made plans for today and some of us, like me, can't cancel."

       "Well, you're going to have to find a way to cancel," Agatha said. "You're going to be heading over to the studio today to write more songs."

       "Aviva and I were going to stay home, so the two of us could do that here and the others could stick to their plans," I said.

       "Leave you and Aviva home alone?" Agatha asked. "Not happening."

       I scoffed. "Agatha, you're our manager, not our momager. You only take care of what's happening in the business part of our lives. You have no say at what happens in our personal lives."

       "Well, you're all still coming to the studio today, and I'm not taking no for an answer," Agatha said.

       "Fine, but my brother is coming with us," Ricky said. "I promised him we would spend the day together, and I am not breaking that promise, even if I am working today. And I am not taking no for an answer."

       To make sure Agatha didn't say no to him, he walked away and went to his bedroom, probably to get changed since he was still in his pyjamas.

       I went back to eating my breakfast, and Agatha looked over at me. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go tell the others."

       I ignored her and still ate my breakfast. She should have learnt by now that I did not leave my food until it was fully consumed.

       And how I didn't listen to her.

       Agatha had to wait until someone else walked out of their bedroom, which ended up being Ricky again. Agatha told him to tell the others we had to go to the studio today, and he glared at her before doing so.

       She told us to be at the studio in forty-five minutes before she, thankfully, left.

       Nobody was happy that our off day had to be spent in the studio writing songs, especially when we always did a lot better writing songs away from all the pressure. We were only going to feel a lot of pressure there.

       Once we were all ready to go, we left the penthouse and headed to where our minivan was parked. Like usual, we all argued about who got to drive but in the end, we let Ricky do it since he had to go pick up his little brother, Ash, first.

       Ash didn't even seem to mind when Ricky told him they had a change of plans and he had to come to the recording studio with us. In fact, he seemed excited to get to see what his older brother did for a living.

       We got to the recording studio five minutes after Agatha told us to meet her there, and she wasn't happy when we showed up, to which I replied, "Five minutes isn't going to make a difference."

       She ignored me and led us into the recording studio and to one of the large rooms normally used to breaks or song-writing. "I've booked this for the next six hours," she said. "Use your time wisely and I hope to come back to a song."

       "I hope I come back to a song," I mocked in my best Canadian accent after she left, closing the door behind her.

       "She does know this isn't the best place for us to write songs, right?" Junior asked.

       "Who knows what she knows nowadays?" Ricky asked. "She's the worst manager in the history of managers, and I don't have any creative juices flowing right now."

       "Write a song about how horrible she is," Ash said.

       "Yes," I said. "I like you."

       "We're not going to do that," Otis said.

       "Aw," I said. "It's a good idea."

       "It is," Otis admitted. "Which is why we'll modify it so it's not just about how much she sucks, and so people won't realize it's about her. Well, at least most people won't. I told you guys, we're going to start making her life a living hell. It's time to get started."


Yes Otis yes.

I was watching a 5SOS radio interview, and Ashton brought his little brother and he was sitting on the floor behind Ashton the whole time and it was so cute so I gave Ricky a little brother (named Ash lol)

And now, 3/4 members of 5SOS hath been casted as one of my many characters (thanks to cake always making me think of canter so now calum is officially the new hunter). I'll have to use Michael sometime because I don't want to leave him out.

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