Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       I was really started to hate this business deal. I was starting to feel so much pressure on me to make my 'relationship' with Chelsea believable, but it was hard when I was way too in love with Aviva to even pretend I liked Chelsea.

       I tried to tell myself to treat it like I was acting; like this was practice for a movie or something.

       Let's just say I wasn't going to be an actor anytime soon, and I definitely had to stay on the music path in the entertainment industry.

       Some of our fans... okay, a lot of our fans wasn't that happy when I announced Chelsea and I were dating. Most of them were saying that my happiness was all that matter, so they were trying to be okay with it.

       The few other ones were not even trying to be okay with it. I knew it was going to happen, and I tried telling Agatha, but she wouldn't listen to me. 

       No surprise there.

       To make things worse, Agatha and Chelsea's manager were forcing us to spend a lot of time together. I hadn't been able to practice with the band lately because of it, and I was even late for a few practices.

      At least it wasn't impacting me only. Chelsea told me that she had been late for a few modeling gigs, and it was really starting to put a hinder in her reputation. I was just happy she was against it as much as I was.

       I got home from yet another stressful day with Agatha bossing me around. Ricky, Otis, and Junior were all sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Junior looked over at me and must have noticed the irritated look on my face. "Another bad day?" he asked.

       "Oh, you have no idea," I said as I took off my shoes before walking to the living room and flopping on one of the chairs. "I just don't get why I'm the one who had to be part of this stupid business deal. Ricky was more than happy to do it."

       "It's because she doesn't like our happiness," Ricky said. "Obviously. Otherwise I'd be the one to do it, and we would be allowed to date Aviva."

       "Speaking of, where is she?" I asked.

       "She went out somewhere," Ricky said. "She didn't said where. Anyway, besides all that, Otis has some bad news."

       "Not really bad news," Otis said. "My lawyer is still looking over the contract. He just... hasn't found anything. He's not giving up though. He knows how badly we want to get away from Agatha, so he's not going to give up until he's certain we actually can't."

       "I really hope he finds a way," I said. "I can't handle this stress anymore. And the hate I've been getting from the fans."

       "That bad?" Junior asked.

       "Well, it's not too bad," I said. "Most are just hardcore Avivachi shippers so to see me with someone else really crushes them." It crushed me as much, if not even more. I just wanted to make my relationship with Aviva public, but we still couldn't because of stupid Agatha and her stupid rules.

       The front door opened and Aviva walked in, looking a bit upset. "Hey, are you okay?"

       Aviva looked at me and nodded, giving my a weak smile before immediately heading to her bedroom.

       I got up and followed her, closing her bedroom door behind me. "So, what's wrong?"

       "Nothing," she replied, sitting down at the edge of her bed. "I'm just tired."

       "Aviva, come on," I said, sitting down beside her. "I've been your best friend for years. I can tell when something's wrong. You can trust me. You know you can."

       Aviva sighed, playing with the bracelet on her wrist. "I went to the hospital to visit my grandmother," she said. "She's... she's not looking well. The doctors said she doesn't have that much time left."

       "Oh, Aviva, I'm so sorry," I said, wrapping my arms tightly around her. "I wish I knew you were planning on going. I could have went with you."

       "Not really," Aviva said. "You had that stupid thing with Chelsea today. Is it bad that I hate her?"

       "Don't hate her just because we were both forced into it," I said. "She's against it as much as I am."

       "I know," Aviva said. "I just get a bit frustrated. We can't tell anyone about us, and I don't know how much more I can take of it."

       "Yeah, same here," I said. "I really hope Otis's lawyer can find a way for us to get out of the contract. Agatha is really starting to hurt the band, and it won't be long before it affects our performances as well. Part of me wants to just tell everyone anyway, but now knowing what Agatha can and will do, it's not the best idea."

       Aviva groaned and laid down on the bed. "I hate it. I just don't get what's going on in her hand. Majority of our fans our Avivachi shippers, and even people who don't really listen to our music ship us. If Agatha is so worried about publicity, she should let it happen."

       I laid down beside her. "What if something else is going on? That there's an actual reason why she doesn't want us dating? You know, besides her hating my guts for whatever reason... What if there's a reason she hates my guts?"

       "She shouldn't have a reason," Aviva said. "The only thing you've done was stand up to her, but you started after all her ridiculous rules started coming into play. There's definitely more to her than we see."

       "Now I want to figure it out," I said. "Or better yet, find a deep and dark secret of hers and blackmail her."

       "Don't blackmail... On second thought, do it," Aviva said. "If she's being this strict, we need to show her who's really in charge of Major Vocal."


Ooh, yes, show her who's boss!


yo i wanna move out. anyone wanna be my roommate (once i get a job)(IF i get a job because i can't seem to get interviews)(though there's a grocery store hiring that im going to on thursday)(wish me luck pls)

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