Chapter 1: Our Past was the Best

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A/N -- Hi guys! This is my first fan fiction so please be gentle! I will accept any type of constructive coment and critism. My first chapter will be a little short but I have a long plan on this story. This story WILL contain swearing and some other stuff ;) but please don't report it! Thank yoou,

                        riosummer xx

Megan's POV

~7 years ago~

"Hey Liam." I mentioned while entering Liam's house and getting food from the refrigerator. 

"Hey Meg. How was school?" Liam responded and got a handfull of chips.

"Fine... I mean, there were some tests and stuff but nothing serious. What about you?" I said between bites. 

"I didn't go to school today... You know... The bullying issue striked again. Urgh, I hate these people." Liam said lamented. 

I knew he was being bullied and not going to school for some time. He hasn't told his mother. I hate keeping secrets. I was never too good in lying. 

I'm sorry. You must be a little confused. So let me start by introducing myself. My name is Megan. I have long brown and I have dark blue eyes. I am skinny and I am the height of my classmates.  I love to dance and watch T.V. I hate when people tell me to put the music down and when I have to do homework. I live in Wolverhampton. Yep, that's where Liam Payne lives.... By the way, I'm his neighbour. Best friends actually. I am very lucky but I did not know that at that time. 

"Did Mr.Figgins give the geography assignment to you guys?" Liam remarked and turned on th T.V.

"Yeah... I have no idea on what to do. Do you have any ideas?" I stated. 

"No... Come to my house and we can do it there. By the way, Karen is going to bake brownies." Liam mentioned.

"Yum! Gonna get my things and go" I rejoiced.

Well, our friendship was very healthy. We told each other who we liked and gave advice, camped in the yard and got toooons of mosquito bites, and even slept in the bathroom and Karen yelled at us... 

Two years later, when we were fourteen, I helped him choose his song and helped him practice. When he didn't win, we both cried and bonded even more. He went to my house and I went to his. He was realy sad and I helped him get back together and he and I stuck together and skipped school because of the bullies. But one day, everything changed. 

It was in 2010, when we both were sixteen. He signed up for the X-Factor again, and once again I chose his song and we practiced like crazy. Every day and night he was at my house and I was at him. 

"Hey Meg." Liam whispered while poking me to see if I could wake up.

"What?" I said. I was always grumpy in the morning. I looked around and i had slept in his sofa. Fuck. 

"It's the big day. Is it strange that I am nervous? What if Simon says no?" Liam bellowed and put his head down. 

"Relax Liam. Everything is going to be okay. You are a wonderful singer and everybody in the whole X-Factor loves you. You will go there and sing like you never sang before. Now you will go up to your room and change into something nice and I will change clothes too." Megan affirmed while trying to calm Liam down. 

I jumped through the fence that separated her house and Liam's house. I ran up the stairs because I didn't want Liam to be late to his audition. I swang my bedroom's door open and rushed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower. I went to my closet to figure out what would I wear. In the process, I looked my closet door. It was full of pictures of Liam and I since my mom and I moved to Wolverhampton because my parents got a divorce. There was the day that we got the puppy from the street but Liam's mother didn't let us. There was also the day that we went in the pool while it was raining and we both got a cold... So many stories i could tell but now I had to concentrate and had to get ready. I put on a stipped blue and white blouse with my newest Hollister jeans. I got my abercrombie cardigan and my blue toms. I went to the bathroom and applied a layer of mascara, curled my hair and put some blush and lipstick. Perfect. 

I walked down the stairs and rushed my mom out of the shower. We couldn't get late to Liam's audition. When my mom finally got out of the shower and we ran to the car. We followed Karen's car until the X-Factor. When we got there, Liam opened the door for me eventhough we weren't dating, we were still bestfriends. I could feel his shaking hands, I took it and hold it even tighter. Liam recieved his audition number; 61898. We went backstage and practiced quietly once more. That boy has a beautiful voice. I swore myself that if he didn't pass, I would get on stage and... I don't know what I would do but I would do something.... Someone called his name and he let go of my hand. I wished him good luck. He said hi to the judges and then he started. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. 

'Cry me a river." Liam sang the last part of the song. Everyone cheered and clapped. All of the judges stood up. ALL of them. Even Simon Cowell. I was so happy I started crying. Literally, I cried an entire river. The judges had made their decision. Two of the three judges had said yes. Only Simon was left. 

"Please Simon, give him a chance." I chanted under my breath. Karen started hugging me and she gave me a tissue because of my dripping mascara. 

"Thank you Karen." 

"You´re welcome honey." Karen said while hugging me even tighter. 

A tense moment passed by and then... Simon said yes! SIMON FUCKING COWELL SAID YES!!

I started crying even harder and jumping up and downHe went backstage again and I jumped on top of him. I was so proud! I hugged him so hard. I started crying on his shoulder and he rubbed my back. I finally let go of him. His shoulders were wet and his white t-shirt had black spots, caused by my mascara. 

"So proud of you." I said sobbing.

"I can't even believe he said yes!" Liam exclaimed. 

"Come here honey. Let me hug you a little big more." Karen said and hugged and kissed Liam in the cheeks. She was crying a lot too. Imagine having your son being accepted in the X-Factor! 

"Now let's go home and celebrate." Geoff said. Eventhough he was very proud of his son, he wanted to go home and lay down. Today was a very tense day. 

We went out for sushi and it was all delicious. We got home very late and I went to Liam's house to say good-night. 

"Hey! If it isn't the lucky boy!" I said while hugging him. 

"Thanks Meg. Today was very tiresome." Liam said hugging me back. 

"I just came here to say good-night". I mentioned and letting go of his muscular body. 

"Good-night Meg. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" Liam giggled. 

It was our little joke... When we were younger, we used to talk through the fence that seperated our house. That's how we became best friends. 

"Night Liam. See you later alligator, in a while crocadile!" I told Liam and jumped the fence.

How I loved that boy more than anything in the world. I could count on him for eveything. I put on my purple pj's and suggled under the covers. I fell a sleep quickly. Today was very tiresome and tense. 

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