Chapter 17: Hello Again...

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“Megan! Come on, we’re gonna get late!” Nicole shouted from downstairs. I finished applying my mascara and reluctantly went downstairs.

You must be extremely confused right now so I shall explain. It’s been 2 months since my almost-rape-incident; since Liam and I broke up. Yes, I’ve missed him like hell but I wanted to show him that I was strong, that I could survive without him. A week after the Mark encounter, I decided to apply for a job. I started by job as an Abercrombie rack-hanger. I know it wasn't the best job ever, far from it but at least I got enough money to share my apartment with Nicole, a friend who also works at Abercrombie as a rack-hanger. Nicole is a HUGE directioner so we are currently going to the One Direction concert in London and we also got tickets to go backstage and meet them.

“Nicole, I really don’t want to go. You know about him...” I protested.  I told Nicole everything about my relationship with Liam and One Direction.

"Who's him again?" Nicole questioned just to irritate me.


"What Liam?" I rolled my eyes.

"Liam Payne."

"THE Liam Payne?" She asked holding back her laugh.

"Yes and I'm not going." I stated.

“I know you still love him Megan and you don't want to see him but I can’t miss this chance! It’s once in a lifetime and I swear everything will go out fine okay? Now we just really have to go or else I won’t see them!” Nicole demanded as she pushed out the door of our apartment and opened our black Chevrolet doors.

"What don't I do for you Nicole?" I giggled as we drove the car in the direction of the stadium.


"OMG! PAUL! CAN I TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOU?!" Nicole screamed as she handed me the camera.

"Megan?" Paul asked.

"Hey Pauly! Long time no see huh?" I said as I gave him a big bear hug. Is it my impression or has he been to the gym.

"Going to the gym lately?" I asked as I took Nicole's picture with him.

"Can you actually notice it?" He asked with a proud smile.

"Of course we can notice it!" I said as I got out my wallet to give him the tickets.

"VIP Tickets?" He asked as he made a slight rip; sinalizing that we have paid and passed through security, in our tickets and we passed the millions of fans crying and screaming. 

"Yep. Nicole, my friend is a big fan." I said as I gave Paul a hug and entered the arena.

"Have an awesome time and enjoy, don't think about him too much." Paul tried to help.

"Thanks Paul. I'll try! Love ya, bye!" I said and Nicole started having a spazz attack because we were going to meet them in a few seconds.

"Calm down woman! They are just people!" I tried to calm her down but once Nicole is spazzing nothing can stop her.

"Well, you dated one of these people! C'mon, I don't wanna get with the mob of crying girls." Nicole explained as we showed a man our tickets and we entered the VIP room. The room had a few chairs and a line which meant that he boys would be standing there. I couldn't stop thinking about him, after all we did together. Our first kiss, first date, the day I met the boys, the day I met their girlfriends, the interview where Cleo was flirting with him, the beach, our mega awesome pillow fight which turned on disapointments and of course, the day he saved me.

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