Chapter 10: Shopping with the Girls

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the sound of my iPhone beeping. I got my phone and looked at the screen. It was 3 am in the morning. Who the hell would text me at 3 am in the morning? Even though, I looked at the text. It was from my mom

From: Mom

Meg, I need you to come home. Right now.

From: Megan

Mom, I'm sleeping. Can't you wait until the morning?

I texted my mom back and closed my eyes. What does my mom want that she couldn't wait until the proper morning? And why was she awake at this time? I knew she woke up early but not that early. Usualy about 6 or 7 am.

From: Mom

Megan. Come home right now. I have to tell you something.

I groaned as I went out of the cover. Why couldn't she wait? I took Martha's pijamas out and I put the same clothes as I had yesterday. I went to the bathroom and looked at my appearance in the mirror. I brushed my hair and didn't bother to put any make up, who would be in the streets at this time of the day?

I was walking through the aisle and saw Harry's door a little opened. I peaked inside and Ingrid and Harry were cuddled together and Ingrid was leaned on Harry's chest and Harry was with one shoulder wrapped on Ingrid's waist. They were a beautiful couple.

I walked down the stairs and left a quick note at left it on the kitchen table. They would probably see it. 

Good morning!

Katy, my mom told me to go home and I should be here around 10 am. Don't miss me too much!

- Megan xx

I finished writing and went out of the house. The cold, London air brushed through my face as I shivered. I crossed my arms and continued walking. I got a cab and finally arrived at my house. I got the keys and opened the door. Our house was flooded with tissues. I went to the kitchen and there was my mom. Cooking. She always cooked when she was sad.

"Mom? What happened?" I asked worried. I never saw her so sad.

“Honey, your father,” My mom said trying to stop the tears.

My dad? What about him?

“Mom, what happened?” I asked as a tear streamed down my cheek. I couldn’t bear thinking that he had died. Stop Megan. He didn’t die okay? He is alive. I thought, trying to believe my own thoughts.

“Your father died Megan. He didn’t make it through the coma.” Katy said between tears.

I couldn’t think about it. I couldn’t take this pain. I started crying. A lot. Everything was spinning but I stood still.

“Stupid girlfriend.” I said kicking everything I touched

“Meg, it wasn’t her fault.” Katy tried to calm me down.

“Of course it was! If it weren’t for her, dad wouldn't have been in coma! Dad wouldn’t be dead!” I said screaming.

The next thing I knew I was running up the stairs and into my room. I locked the door and pulled down the curtains. My room got pitched black and I just buried my head in my pillows and cried.

“Meg. Open the door.” My mom said knocking in the door. I knew she was just trying to help me but I couldn’t bear this pain. It was too much.

I ignored her knocks and just closed my eyes. All the memories of my dad came flooding back. The day we went to the park and had a picnic. The day dad, mom, and I went to Africa and I held a baby lion. I started crying and crying and I finally went to sleep.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Megan, let us in.” I heard a faint sound of people calling. It didn’t have my mom’s voice so I decided to give it a shot. I went out from under the covers and opened the door. The light burned my eyes as I saw four beautiful girls in front of me. I remembered them. Ornella, Ingrid, Hannah, and Martha. 

“Hey girls.” I said faking a smile. I didn’t want them to know what happened to me.

“You look horrible.” Hannah stated.

“Hannah! Meg, what happened?” Ornella asked as the five of us sat on my bed. Ingrid got up and pulled the curtains up.

“Ingrid...” I groaned.

“You need some light. You look like someone just died.” Ingrid mentioned as a joke.

Wrong words at the totally wrong time. I just broke. I started crying, I still couldn’t believe my dad had died.

“What happened Megan?” Martha asked a bit confused.

“My dad… He died.” I said as I buried my head in my hands.

“It’s okay honey. We were so worried with you.” Ornella said giving me a hug.

“Why did you guys come anyways?” I asked. We had met yesterday, why did they care about me so much?

“Well, in your note, you said you would be at Harry’s at 10 and now its noon. The boys suggested that we come here and try to cheer you up.” Hannah explained.

“And… we have a surprise!” Ingrid said excited.

“Louis said for us to bring you to the shopping and but some clothes because tonight you will go out with Liam!” Martha said winking.

“So, I guess we have to go now?” I asked.

“Yep. Go put some nice clothes and meet us at the living room.” Hannah said as the four girls walked down the stairs. I put a black shorts and an orange V-neck shirt and some sandals. I put my hair in a ponytail and applied a layer of mascara. I went downstairs.

“There you are. Now hurry up.” Martha said as she shoved us out the door.


“What do you think of this one?” I asked putting a short white dress close to my body.

“I like it. Now go change, and try these other three.” Ingrid said as she closed the changing room door. I tried a long, light pink one. I went out the door.

“Nah" Hannah said as I went inside. After a good half hour changing dresses, we finally found the one. I got a short, black, dress with only one sleeve down my right arm. I went out of the changing room and all their chins fell. I spun around and smilied.

"You. Look. Stunning." Martha said as she got a 7 inch black heels.

I put it on and I looked myself in the mirror. I had to admit that I looked sexy.

"Now take these clothes off and we will pay." Ingrid said holding a credit card.

"No way! I will pay!" I tried to argue.

"No you will not. Think of it as a present." Ingrid said pushing me into my dressing room stall and closing the door. I took the dress and the heels and put my normal clothes back.I opened the door and gave Ingrid the dress. She swiped the card and pressed in her code. The woman got the dress and the heels and folded it nicely and put it in a pink paper bag. We walked out of the store and looked at each other.

"Where to?" Ornella asked.

"Abercrombie!!!" Hannah shouted as we laughed and walked to the store.

A/N: Sorry for not updating! I was in Itaipava and there was no connection. Comment below what you think should happen in Liam's and Megan's date. Also comment below if you like my story and how should I improve! Thank you so much! Don't forget to vote! :D

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