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"I'm heading to bed." I excused myself. I didn't want to stay in the same room as Jack for any longer, everything was awkward and I can't let anyone notice that. "Dinner is almost ready though." Corbyn said after I had already gotten up. "Not hungry." I walked up the stairs, leaving the four boys behind.

After changing out of my clothes, I got in bed. It was only nine I couldn't possibly go to sleep at this early hour, but I have no choice. I can't believe my dumbass self decided that it was a good idea to try to kiss Jack. He's my band mate, my best friend and my roommate; I literally see him everywhere. Now every time I'm around him I feel awkward and weird.

Even though that Jack leaned in as well I still don't think that he feels the same way. Maybe it was one of those moments where you can't control what you're doing or maybe I just imagined him leaning in towards me the whole time. Either way, I can't let anyone know about my feelings; not even Jack himself.

I heard a knock on the door and Zach came in without my permission. "I know you said that you weren't hungry, but I don't like it when you go to bed without eating." He sat at the edge of my bed and handed me a plate with a slice of pizza. "Thanks." I murmured, grateful for the fact that he didn't believe me when I said I wasn't hungry.

"Sorry about earlier." I looked up at him and for the first time in hours I showed a small hint of a smile. "It's alright, Zach." Even though he could literally be one of the most annoying human beings out there, he still is very sweet at times. He's always been a jokester, but when the time comes he'll be your shoulder to lean on.

"What's wrong, Daniel?" I swallowed a bite of my pizza and just stared at him, not knowing how to answer him. "You're never in a dark mood. So what's going on?" Should I tell him? Yes. Wait...no. "I just feel a little stressed lately." Judging by the look he gave me he definitely wasn't buying my excuse.

"I'm just..." I stuttered. "I think I found a new aspect of myself that I'm not sure how to handle." Or in other words, "Im gay and Jack Avery, our band mate, is the guy I'm crushing on. "What do you mean a new aspect?" Zach looked confused. "Never mind." I shook my head. "No, tell me."

"Can we please continue this conversation another time? I'm tired." Zach looked at me like he wasn't ready to give up yet, but he ended up doing so anyways. "Alright goodnight, Daniel." He gave me a light hug, grabbed the plate from my hand and walked out the door. I released a deep sigh and fell back on to my bed.

Hours passed and I still lay awake in my bed, thinking. It was almost midnight by now and Jack has still not come up to sleep. At this point I feel like he's trying to avoid me in every way possible. Suddenly, I heard the door knob turn. I immediately pretended that I was deep in my sleep to avoid him.

I took a deep breath before I turned the door knob. I hope he's asleep. I've been sitting downstairs for hours debating whether or not I should just fall asleep on the couch, but I came to the conclusion that, that might make the other boys suspect something is going on between Daniel and I.

I walked in slowly and the first thing my eyes lay upon was his face. I released a deep breath, he was asleep. I tiptoed towards the closet and took my clothes off. As I was about to drop the shirt that I wore today into the dirty clothes hamper I realized that Daniel's shirt was on the floor instead of inside it.

He must be really out if it lately, I thought to myself. Daniel and I are complete neat freaks so when he leaves a shirt on the floor it definitely means that he is in no mood to pay attention to anything. I picked up the shirt and glanced back at him. He looked so peaceful and hot.

𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐍 ━ JANIEL & ZONAH ✓Where stories live. Discover now