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"Hey." I whispered once I saw that Zach was sound asleep. "Logan's party is today." I sat down on the bed that Jonah was cuddled up with Zach on. "I totally forgot." Jonah looked down at Zach. "Zach can't go anyways, the loud music would just add to his constant headaches." I nodded. "How about you go and I'll stay with him?"

"No, no. I'm never leaving his side." I smiled at how protective Jonah was over Zach. "You three go and we'll stay home." I looked down, unsure. "None of us are in the mood to party though." I shrugged. "It's okay, go. Plus Logan would get mad if none of you show up. It's his house warming party and he wants his friends to be there."

"Alright, if you need anything just call. We'll probably crash over at his place after." Jonah nodded at me. I exited their room and shut the door, then I entered Jack and I's room. His appearance was lazy, sweatpants and a sweater, they seem to be the only articles of clothing he's comfortable in these days.

"We're going to Logan's party." I rummaged through my closet for something to wear. "Party? Are you kidding me? Do I look like I'm in a good mood to you?" Jack scoffed. "I don't care. He wants us there and we're going." I heard him get off his bed. "Fine, mother."

"You smell like shit. When was the last time you showered?" I exclaimed once he neared me. "Who cares? There's no one to impress anymore." I shook my head at his coldness. "If you go out looking and smelling like that, I'm going to pretend like I don't know you."

"Seems like you started doing that already." I turned away from him and looked back at my clothes again. I hate how he turns everything back to our fight. "Just get in the shower." I said sternly. He nudged me as he tried to reach for something. "That's my shirt."

"You're so fucking petty! Just because we had a fight, doesn't mean that our friendship is ruined." He shouted. "Yes, it does. Everything is ruined." He pulled the shirt off the hanger, taking it without my consent, then stomping off into the washroom. God, I hate this.

                                •     •     •
"Nice place, Logan!" I shouted over the loud music that played in the background. "Thanks, Daniel." He smiled. "How's Zach holding up?" He asked. "He's getting better." Corbyn answered instead of me. Logan nodded, "You guys can crash in a guest room upstairs once the party is over, don't bother going back home."

Once Logan walked off, Jack did too, pushing through the bodies. "I'll keep any eye on him." Corbyn assured me before he followed Jack. I don't like the fact that he left me alone, but I know that Jack was in a worser mind state than I was. I walked over to the kitchen, in need of a drink.

There wasn't a variety of options, all I saw were alcoholic drinks. I stood there, arguing with myself on whether I should or shouldn't. I should because my mind will finally drift off into something else other than Jack. I shouldn't because I'm underage and it wouldn't be responsible of me. I should.

I walked off with a red solo cup filled with what seemed to be vodka. Taking the first sip stung really bad. It burned down my throat, causing me to make a disgusted face. But sip after sip, I became immune to it. And from there it went from a few sips to a few cups. In no time I became tipsy, giggly and tired.

I was pushing through the crowd when I saw a scene that boiled my blood. Jack was grinding against a brunette boy. A part of me knew that I didn't have the right to barge up to him and shout, but I did it anyways. "Get the fuck off him!" I slurred, not sure if I was aiming my words at Jack or the boy.

Jack turned to me, he looked drunk too, his curls covering his face and his eyes droopy. "Leave me alone, Daniel." He shooed me off with his hands. "No!" I protested. "You're mine." Jack ignored me as he started to lean in for a kiss. "You're only dancing with him because he looks like me."

𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐍 ━ JANIEL & ZONAH ✓Where stories live. Discover now